Try something new.
Game:Live A Hero.
Artist: Shukou Akanaru/Oaks
Official site:https://live-a-hero.jp/
Character: Monomasa(wolf) / Ryekie(tiger) / Huckle(alien)
The story is writeen by Pety~~!
Petya: and that's a wrap! good photoshoot guys!
Ryekie: finally!
Huckle: did my hair look cool?
Monomasa: good thing I go metal hair!
Petya: uhh... you two go take a break I gonna need Ryekie for a little bit!
Ryekie: what?
Huckle: ha ha did he got boner in that photo?
Monomasa: you need metal pants!
Ryekie: I am not! am I?
Petya: nope you three are perfect!
Huckle: oh well who wants beer?
Monomasa: I prefer coffee!
Ryekie: ok fine what do you want Petya?
Petya: simple question.... how fast are you compare to the other two?
Ryekie: easy! I am the fastest! ahaha
Nomasa: Huckle wait! cancel the drinks! I am the fastest!
Huckle: wait what? you two are slow! I am the fastest!
Ryekie: not a bit! I am the fastest you two are slow!
Nomasa: oh yeah?
Huckle: I don't think so!
Ryekie: I am!
Monomasa: you not!
Huckle: you are slow Ryekie!
Petya: ok ok you three back off well how about we put a simple race? hey Ryekie carry me to the runner stadium!
Ryekie: good idea! *lift Petya* race you two there! *run*
Huckle: oh no you don't!!
Monomasa: hey! you two cheater!
moments later....
Monomasa: ha I win!
Huckle: no I win!
Ryekie: no because I carry Petya so I got extra weight!
Petya: ok you three shut up! now for the bet!
All: eh?
Petya: the slowest got strip their.... cloth
All: we what?!
Petya: since you three argue a lot of who the fastest now I put that to challenge or you three chicken out?
Ryekie: oh I am so in!
Huckle: me too!
Monomasa: one problem.... I don't wear cloth?
Ryekie: you what!?
Huckle: hold on you tell me that your naked body?!
Monomasa: uhh.... kind a?
Ryekie: chicken ahaha
Huckle: ok fine no stripping just pay my beer bill!
Monomasa: I am so not!
Petya: on your mark get set! go!
Ryekie: eh?! wait!!!
Huckle: you snooze you lose!
Monomasa: said the one behind me!
Ryekie: I am not ready yet!!!!
and couple laps later....
Ryekie: Monomasa.... you cheater!
Huckle: I can still race! I still wear my pants!
Monomasa: ha ha I am faster than you two!
Ryekie: 6 of 12!
Huckle: agreed!
Monomasa: bring it on!
Petya: these sexy photo of them gonna sell a lot! ehehe
The story is written by Bukids~~!
Afternoon in Parallel Flight, Bukids and Kato are in office room, Bukids lying down on couch while playing phone and hearing his earphones, while Kato working with his computer. Bukids listening from Kato's computer.
Bukids: *pause the music* Kato, you want bad news or good?
Kato: bad.
Bukids: 'Aswad having new type.
Kato: and?
Bukids: it's Kaibutsu type.
Kato pause for sec, he put his head on keyboard and growling.
Kato: uughhh... not with Kaibutsu... I hate dealing with them, and now with 'Aswad? Give me a break... What's good one?
Bukids: it's on hunters list.
Kato: so hunters can hunt them?
Bukids: yes.
Kato: ughh... I should happy or not... at least I don't meet with them today.
Bukids: didn't I installed 'Aswad track in your watch?
Kato: yes, but only you and Mokdai know how to handle them. *watch beeping and Kato return to his position* Yes, Huckle.
Huckle: Kato, we need your guidance! We having trouble dealing with wolf villains and Kaibutsu. Ryekie didn't want listen to me and keep fighting, while Monomasa is confused which he need to target first!
Kato: wolf villains and Kaibutsu?
Bukids: probably they control it.
Huckle: Bukids is right, wolf villains is controlled them to make them as alley!
Kato: right, I'm on my way!
Huckle: hurry and be careful! *hung up*
Bukids: *phone beeping* ah... commission like this?
Kato: it's okay, you finished your commission and I'll go helping them.
Bukids: okay, be careful.
Later, they leaving Parallel Flight separate ways. At city, Kato is arrived.
Huckle: Kato, you here!
Huckle parry wolf villain who trying to attack Kato.
Kato: thank you.
Kato using radar in his watch, his face looks intense and afraid. The radar is complete and Kato relief.
Kato: you said they having force field so they can't be hit?
Huckle: yes, we been struggling to defeating them, especially Kaibutsu. They only focus at Kaibutsu so we can't attack them.
Kato look at Ryekie who still fighting Kaibutsus, he keep attacking buy useless.
Monomasa: Kato, which one I should attack?
Kato: hold on *look watch* it's on that tree, the wolf villain use gadget for making force field.
Monomasa: understood.
Monomasa jump dash to tree where Kato pointing, he slash the tree and wolf villain fall to ground. The force field on Kaibutsu disappear.
Kato: Ryekie, Huckle!
Huckle and Ryekie team up beating Kaibutsus together. They finally defeating them all.
Ryekie: *panting* finally...!! We defeating them!! *hug Kato* It's all thanks to you, Kato!!
Kato: nghh... so tight...
Everyone is cheering for Kato.
Wolf villain: *slowly standing up* heh, do you think this is over?
Monomasa: !! Kato, watch out!!
Monomasa push Kato away and Huckle, Ryekie and Monomasa got sting by darts.
Kato: what?! Neutralize darts?!
Wolf villain: these aren't ordinary darts. We using some unique liquid for making them weak.
Huckle: ughh... my body... can't... move...
Ryekie: I'm feeling... tingling...!
Monomasa: Monomasa... can't move his body...
Wolf villain suddenly choke Kato and lift him.
Kato: nghh...
Wolf villain: your end is here, hero.
Watch: *beeping* the backup is arrive.
Kato: backup...?
Wolf Villain: where's your back up, hero? No one is coming here for you! *get headshot and fall to ground*
Kato: what?!
Kato look surprised because he got headshot by someone.
One by one, the wolf villains get headshot.
Kato: (sniper?! From who?!)
Wolf Villain: sniper!! Get cover!!
Wolf villains trying to hide from sniper. At top building, there's Cattegirn (male wolf, captain of empire) and Callista (female dog, secretary empire) as their backup. Cattegirn shift his revolver to sniper and Callista as his spotter.
Callista: behind brick on five.
Cattegirn: *shot*
Callista: the remains behind thick wall. Focus on monsters now.
Cattegirn shot the Kaibutsus.
Cattegirn: reloading. *reload sniper*
Callista: Aiken, you're up.
Suddenly, the area filled with gray mist. Wolf villains who hiding behind thick wall slayed one by one.
???: Es scheint, dass ihr Schwierigkeiten habt, gegen sie zu kämpfen, oh Operator. (It seems you have troubled fighting them, dear operator.)
Aiken (male grey cat, leader of empire) revealing himself through mist. He's holding his dual blade.
Aiken: Mein Herr, schicke uns, um dir zu helfen.
Kato: (he speaks German?!
Aiken: *thick German accent* apologize, it seems my native language confusing you. I said again, my Lord has send us to helping you.
Kato: your Lord? Bukids?
Aiken: correct.
Kato: (Bukids, where did you get this German servants?!)
Aiken approaching three of them.
Aiken: it seems your friends being neutralized. Let help them.
Aiken took out vial bottle from his pocket and tell them to drink it.
Aiken: feeling better? Now, let's get continue our show. Do not worry, my mist knows who is friend and foe, so you can see them through mist.
Huckle, Ryekie and Monomasa are fighting the wolf villains through mist. Kato only see their flash effect from their attacks like Huckle yellow bright, blue from Ryekie and green from Monomasa. Later, the mist disappear and the wolf villains has fainted.
Kato: we finally defeating them everyone!
Huckle: all thanks to you, Kato. Because of your guidance we fighting through mist.
Monomasa: thank you for guidance, Kato.
Ryekie hugging Kato and laughing loud.
Kato: not with their hel- *see Aiken disappear* ...
After that, they return to Parallel Flight and celebrating their victory. Later, Bukids return to Parallel Flight.
Bukids: I'm back... jeez... the commission is really pain.
Huckle: welcome back, Bukids.
Bukids: how's the battle, Huckle?
Huckle: it was really intense. We almost defeated by those villains.
Monomasa: luckily, some helpers from nowhere helping us to defeating them.
Bukids: wow, really?! That was so cool! I wish I can see them.
Ryekie: ahahahahaha!! No need for that, Bukids!! We can see the last live from the news today!!
Then, everyone is watching the news together.
Bukids: wow... they really helping you guys!
Huckle: they are, I wonder who might they be.
Kato: (Bukids... I wish I can tell them it's your servants but I don't want to ruin the mood.)
Game:Live A Hero.
Artist: Shukou Akanaru/Oaks
Official site:https://live-a-hero.jp/
Character: Monomasa(wolf) / Ryekie(tiger) / Huckle(alien)
The story is writeen by Pety~~!

Petya: and that's a wrap! good photoshoot guys!
Ryekie: finally!
Huckle: did my hair look cool?
Monomasa: good thing I go metal hair!
Petya: uhh... you two go take a break I gonna need Ryekie for a little bit!
Ryekie: what?
Huckle: ha ha did he got boner in that photo?
Monomasa: you need metal pants!
Ryekie: I am not! am I?
Petya: nope you three are perfect!
Huckle: oh well who wants beer?
Monomasa: I prefer coffee!
Ryekie: ok fine what do you want Petya?
Petya: simple question.... how fast are you compare to the other two?
Ryekie: easy! I am the fastest! ahaha
Nomasa: Huckle wait! cancel the drinks! I am the fastest!
Huckle: wait what? you two are slow! I am the fastest!
Ryekie: not a bit! I am the fastest you two are slow!
Nomasa: oh yeah?
Huckle: I don't think so!
Ryekie: I am!
Monomasa: you not!
Huckle: you are slow Ryekie!
Petya: ok ok you three back off well how about we put a simple race? hey Ryekie carry me to the runner stadium!
Ryekie: good idea! *lift Petya* race you two there! *run*
Huckle: oh no you don't!!
Monomasa: hey! you two cheater!
moments later....
Monomasa: ha I win!
Huckle: no I win!
Ryekie: no because I carry Petya so I got extra weight!
Petya: ok you three shut up! now for the bet!
All: eh?
Petya: the slowest got strip their.... cloth
All: we what?!
Petya: since you three argue a lot of who the fastest now I put that to challenge or you three chicken out?
Ryekie: oh I am so in!
Huckle: me too!
Monomasa: one problem.... I don't wear cloth?
Ryekie: you what!?
Huckle: hold on you tell me that your naked body?!
Monomasa: uhh.... kind a?
Ryekie: chicken ahaha
Huckle: ok fine no stripping just pay my beer bill!
Monomasa: I am so not!
Petya: on your mark get set! go!
Ryekie: eh?! wait!!!
Huckle: you snooze you lose!
Monomasa: said the one behind me!
Ryekie: I am not ready yet!!!!
and couple laps later....
Ryekie: Monomasa.... you cheater!
Huckle: I can still race! I still wear my pants!
Monomasa: ha ha I am faster than you two!
Ryekie: 6 of 12!
Huckle: agreed!
Monomasa: bring it on!
Petya: these sexy photo of them gonna sell a lot! ehehe
The story is written by Bukids~~!

Afternoon in Parallel Flight, Bukids and Kato are in office room, Bukids lying down on couch while playing phone and hearing his earphones, while Kato working with his computer. Bukids listening from Kato's computer.
Bukids: *pause the music* Kato, you want bad news or good?
Kato: bad.
Bukids: 'Aswad having new type.
Kato: and?
Bukids: it's Kaibutsu type.
Kato pause for sec, he put his head on keyboard and growling.
Kato: uughhh... not with Kaibutsu... I hate dealing with them, and now with 'Aswad? Give me a break... What's good one?
Bukids: it's on hunters list.
Kato: so hunters can hunt them?
Bukids: yes.
Kato: ughh... I should happy or not... at least I don't meet with them today.
Bukids: didn't I installed 'Aswad track in your watch?
Kato: yes, but only you and Mokdai know how to handle them. *watch beeping and Kato return to his position* Yes, Huckle.
Huckle: Kato, we need your guidance! We having trouble dealing with wolf villains and Kaibutsu. Ryekie didn't want listen to me and keep fighting, while Monomasa is confused which he need to target first!
Kato: wolf villains and Kaibutsu?
Bukids: probably they control it.
Huckle: Bukids is right, wolf villains is controlled them to make them as alley!
Kato: right, I'm on my way!
Huckle: hurry and be careful! *hung up*
Bukids: *phone beeping* ah... commission like this?
Kato: it's okay, you finished your commission and I'll go helping them.
Bukids: okay, be careful.
Later, they leaving Parallel Flight separate ways. At city, Kato is arrived.
Huckle: Kato, you here!
Huckle parry wolf villain who trying to attack Kato.
Kato: thank you.
Kato using radar in his watch, his face looks intense and afraid. The radar is complete and Kato relief.
Kato: you said they having force field so they can't be hit?
Huckle: yes, we been struggling to defeating them, especially Kaibutsu. They only focus at Kaibutsu so we can't attack them.
Kato look at Ryekie who still fighting Kaibutsus, he keep attacking buy useless.
Monomasa: Kato, which one I should attack?
Kato: hold on *look watch* it's on that tree, the wolf villain use gadget for making force field.
Monomasa: understood.
Monomasa jump dash to tree where Kato pointing, he slash the tree and wolf villain fall to ground. The force field on Kaibutsu disappear.
Kato: Ryekie, Huckle!
Huckle and Ryekie team up beating Kaibutsus together. They finally defeating them all.
Ryekie: *panting* finally...!! We defeating them!! *hug Kato* It's all thanks to you, Kato!!
Kato: nghh... so tight...
Everyone is cheering for Kato.
Wolf villain: *slowly standing up* heh, do you think this is over?
Monomasa: !! Kato, watch out!!
Monomasa push Kato away and Huckle, Ryekie and Monomasa got sting by darts.
Kato: what?! Neutralize darts?!
Wolf villain: these aren't ordinary darts. We using some unique liquid for making them weak.
Huckle: ughh... my body... can't... move...
Ryekie: I'm feeling... tingling...!
Monomasa: Monomasa... can't move his body...
Wolf villain suddenly choke Kato and lift him.
Kato: nghh...
Wolf villain: your end is here, hero.
Watch: *beeping* the backup is arrive.
Kato: backup...?
Wolf Villain: where's your back up, hero? No one is coming here for you! *get headshot and fall to ground*
Kato: what?!
Kato look surprised because he got headshot by someone.
One by one, the wolf villains get headshot.
Kato: (sniper?! From who?!)
Wolf Villain: sniper!! Get cover!!
Wolf villains trying to hide from sniper. At top building, there's Cattegirn (male wolf, captain of empire) and Callista (female dog, secretary empire) as their backup. Cattegirn shift his revolver to sniper and Callista as his spotter.
Callista: behind brick on five.
Cattegirn: *shot*
Callista: the remains behind thick wall. Focus on monsters now.
Cattegirn shot the Kaibutsus.
Cattegirn: reloading. *reload sniper*
Callista: Aiken, you're up.
Suddenly, the area filled with gray mist. Wolf villains who hiding behind thick wall slayed one by one.
???: Es scheint, dass ihr Schwierigkeiten habt, gegen sie zu kämpfen, oh Operator. (It seems you have troubled fighting them, dear operator.)
Aiken (male grey cat, leader of empire) revealing himself through mist. He's holding his dual blade.
Aiken: Mein Herr, schicke uns, um dir zu helfen.
Kato: (he speaks German?!
Aiken: *thick German accent* apologize, it seems my native language confusing you. I said again, my Lord has send us to helping you.
Kato: your Lord? Bukids?
Aiken: correct.
Kato: (Bukids, where did you get this German servants?!)
Aiken approaching three of them.
Aiken: it seems your friends being neutralized. Let help them.
Aiken took out vial bottle from his pocket and tell them to drink it.
Aiken: feeling better? Now, let's get continue our show. Do not worry, my mist knows who is friend and foe, so you can see them through mist.
Huckle, Ryekie and Monomasa are fighting the wolf villains through mist. Kato only see their flash effect from their attacks like Huckle yellow bright, blue from Ryekie and green from Monomasa. Later, the mist disappear and the wolf villains has fainted.
Kato: we finally defeating them everyone!
Huckle: all thanks to you, Kato. Because of your guidance we fighting through mist.
Monomasa: thank you for guidance, Kato.
Ryekie hugging Kato and laughing loud.
Kato: not with their hel- *see Aiken disappear* ...
After that, they return to Parallel Flight and celebrating their victory. Later, Bukids return to Parallel Flight.
Bukids: I'm back... jeez... the commission is really pain.
Huckle: welcome back, Bukids.
Bukids: how's the battle, Huckle?
Huckle: it was really intense. We almost defeated by those villains.
Monomasa: luckily, some helpers from nowhere helping us to defeating them.
Bukids: wow, really?! That was so cool! I wish I can see them.
Ryekie: ahahahahaha!! No need for that, Bukids!! We can see the last live from the news today!!
Then, everyone is watching the news together.
Bukids: wow... they really helping you guys!
Huckle: they are, I wonder who might they be.
Kato: (Bukids... I wish I can tell them it's your servants but I don't want to ruin the mood.)
Category All / All
Species Tiger
Gender Male
Size 1000 x 1233px
File Size 839.4 kB
Petya: and that's a wrap! good photoshoot guys!
Ryekie: finally!
Huckle: did my hair look cool?
Monomasa: good thing I go metal hair!
Petya: uhh... you two go take a break I gonna need Ryekie for a little bit!
Ryekie: what?
Huckle: ha ha did he got boner in that photo?
Monomasa: you need metal pants!
Ryekie: I am not! am I?
Petya: nope you three are perfect!
Huckle: oh well who wants beer?
Monomasa: I prefer coffee!
Ryekie: ok fine what do you want Petya?
Petya: simple question.... how fast are you compare to the other two?
Ryekie: easy! I am the fastest! ahaha
Nomasa: Huckle wait! cancel the drinks! I am the fastest!
Huckle: wait what? you two are slow! I am the fastest!
Ryekie: not a bit! I am the fastest you two are slow!
Nomasa: oh yeah?
Huckle: I don't think so!
Ryekie: I am!
Monomasa: you not!
Huckle: you are slow Ryekie!
Petya: ok ok you three back off well how about we put a simple race? hey Ryekie carry me to the runner stadium!
Ryekie: good idea! *lift Petya* race you two there! *run*
Huckle: oh no you don't!!
Monomasa: hey! you two cheater!
moments later....
Monomasa: ha I win!
Huckle: no I win!
Ryekie: no because I carry Petya so I got extra weight!
Petya: ok you three shut up! now for the bet!
All: eh?
Petya: the slowest got strip their.... cloth
All: we what?!
Petya: since you three argue a lot of who the fastest now I put that to challenge or you three chicken out?
Ryekie: oh I am so in!
Huckle: me too!
Monomasa: one problem.... I don't wear cloth?
Ryekie: you what!?
Huckle: hold on you tell me that your naked body?!
Monomasa: uhh.... kind a?
Ryekie: chicken ahaha
Huckle: ok fine no stripping just pay my beer bill!
Monomasa: I am so not!
Petya: on your mark get set! go!
Ryekie: eh?! wait!!!
Huckle: you snooze you lose!
Monomasa: said the one behind me!
Ryekie: I am not ready yet!!!!
and couple laps later....
Ryekie: Monomasa.... you cheater!
Huckle: I can still race! I still wear my pants!
Monomasa: ha ha I am faster than you two!
Ryekie: 6 of 12!
Huckle: agreed!
Monomasa: bring it on!
Petya: these sexy photo of them gonna sell a lot! ehehe
Ryekie: finally!
Huckle: did my hair look cool?
Monomasa: good thing I go metal hair!
Petya: uhh... you two go take a break I gonna need Ryekie for a little bit!
Ryekie: what?
Huckle: ha ha did he got boner in that photo?
Monomasa: you need metal pants!
Ryekie: I am not! am I?
Petya: nope you three are perfect!
Huckle: oh well who wants beer?
Monomasa: I prefer coffee!
Ryekie: ok fine what do you want Petya?
Petya: simple question.... how fast are you compare to the other two?
Ryekie: easy! I am the fastest! ahaha
Nomasa: Huckle wait! cancel the drinks! I am the fastest!
Huckle: wait what? you two are slow! I am the fastest!
Ryekie: not a bit! I am the fastest you two are slow!
Nomasa: oh yeah?
Huckle: I don't think so!
Ryekie: I am!
Monomasa: you not!
Huckle: you are slow Ryekie!
Petya: ok ok you three back off well how about we put a simple race? hey Ryekie carry me to the runner stadium!
Ryekie: good idea! *lift Petya* race you two there! *run*
Huckle: oh no you don't!!
Monomasa: hey! you two cheater!
moments later....
Monomasa: ha I win!
Huckle: no I win!
Ryekie: no because I carry Petya so I got extra weight!
Petya: ok you three shut up! now for the bet!
All: eh?
Petya: the slowest got strip their.... cloth
All: we what?!
Petya: since you three argue a lot of who the fastest now I put that to challenge or you three chicken out?
Ryekie: oh I am so in!
Huckle: me too!
Monomasa: one problem.... I don't wear cloth?
Ryekie: you what!?
Huckle: hold on you tell me that your naked body?!
Monomasa: uhh.... kind a?
Ryekie: chicken ahaha
Huckle: ok fine no stripping just pay my beer bill!
Monomasa: I am so not!
Petya: on your mark get set! go!
Ryekie: eh?! wait!!!
Huckle: you snooze you lose!
Monomasa: said the one behind me!
Ryekie: I am not ready yet!!!!
and couple laps later....
Ryekie: Monomasa.... you cheater!
Huckle: I can still race! I still wear my pants!
Monomasa: ha ha I am faster than you two!
Ryekie: 6 of 12!
Huckle: agreed!
Monomasa: bring it on!
Petya: these sexy photo of them gonna sell a lot! ehehe
Ryekie: 6 of 12!
Huckle: agreed!
Monomasa: bring it on!
Petya: these sexy photos of them gonna sell a lot! ehehe
The sexiest among the three of them are probably Ryekie and Monomasa. As for Huckle, some people who like chubby types may like him. You and Kenji are both business-minded. XD
Thanks for writing, Pety~~! *hugs*
You did good job, you can get 1 bear point~~!
Huckle: agreed!
Monomasa: bring it on!
Petya: these sexy photos of them gonna sell a lot! ehehe
The sexiest among the three of them are probably Ryekie and Monomasa. As for Huckle, some people who like chubby types may like him. You and Kenji are both business-minded. XD
Thanks for writing, Pety~~! *hugs*
You did good job, you can get 1 bear point~~!
I'm making story from them, I hope you like it. I was happy to see you draw Monomasa again, Bear.
Afternoon in Parallel Flight, Bukids and Kato are in office room, Bukids lying down on couch while playing phone and hearing his earphones, while Kato working with his computer. Bukids listening from Kato's computer.
Bukids: *pause the music* Kato, you want bad news or good?
Kato: bad.
Bukids: 'Aswad having new type.
Kato: and?
Bukids: it's Kaibutsu type.
Kato pause for sec, he put his head on keyboard and growling.
Kato: uughhh... not with Kaibutsu... I hate dealing with them, and now with 'Aswad? Give me a break... What's good one?
Bukids: it's on hunters list.
Kato: so hunters can hunt them?
Bukids: yes.
Kato: ughh... I should happy or not... at least I don't meet with them today.
Bukids: didn't I installed 'Aswad track in your watch?
Kato: yes, but only you and Mokdai know how to handle them. *watch beeping and Kato return to his position* Yes, Huckle.
Huckle: Kato, we need your guidance! We having trouble dealing with wolf villains and Kaibutsu. Ryekie didn't want listen to me and keep fighting, while Monomasa is confused which he need to target first!
Kato: wolf villains and Kaibutsu?
Bukids: probably they control it.
Huckle: Bukids is right, wolf villains is controlled them to make them as alley!
Kato: right, I'm on my way!
Huckle: hurry and be careful! *hung up*
Bukids: *phone beeping* ah... commission like this?
Kato: it's okay, you finished your commission and I'll go helping them.
Bukids: okay, be careful.
Later, they leaving Parallel Flight separate ways. At city, Kato is arrived.
Huckle: Kato, you here!
Huckle parry wolf villain who trying to attack Kato.
Kato: thank you.
Kato using radar in his watch, his face looks intense and afraid. The radar is complete and Kato relief.
Kato: you said they having force field so they can't be hit?
Huckle: yes, we been struggling to defeating them, especially Kaibutsu. They only focus at Kaibutsu so we can't attack them.
Kato look at Ryekie who still fighting Kaibutsus, he keep attacking buy useless.
Monomasa: Kato, which one I should attack?
Kato: hold on *look watch* it's on that tree, the wolf villain use gadget for making force field.
Monomasa: understood.
Monomasa jump dash to tree where Kato pointing, he slash the tree and wolf villain fall to ground. The force field on Kaibutsu disappear.
Kato: Ryekie, Huckle!
Huckle and Ryekie team up beating Kaibutsus together. They finally defeating them all.
Ryekie: *panting* finally...!! We defeating them!! *hug Kato* It's all thanks to you, Kato!!
Kato: nghh... so tight...
Everyone is cheering for Kato.
Wolf villain: *slowly standing up* heh, do you think this is over?
Monomasa: !! Kato, watch out!!
Monomasa push Kato away and Huckle, Ryekie and Monomasa got sting by darts.
Kato: what?! Neutralize darts?!
Wolf villain: these aren't ordinary darts. We using some unique liquid for making them weak.
Huckle: ughh... my body... can't... move...
Ryekie: I'm feeling... tingling...!
Monomasa: Monomasa... can't move his body...
Wolf villain suddenly choke Kato and lift him.
Kato: nghh...
Wolf villain: your end is here, hero.
Watch: *beeping* the backup is arrive.
Kato: backup...?
Wolf Villain: where's your back up, hero? No one is coming here for you! *get headshot and fall to ground*
Kato: what?!
Kato look surprised because he got headshot by someone.
One by one, the wolf villains get headshot.
Kato: (sniper?! From who?!)
Wolf Villain: sniper!! Get cover!!
Wolf villains trying to hide from sniper. At top building, there's Cattegirn (male wolf, captain of empire) and Callista (female dog, secretary empire) as their backup. Cattegirn shift his revolver to sniper and Callista as his spotter.
Callista: behind brick on five.
Cattegirn: *shot*
Callista: the remains behind thick wall. Focus on monsters now.
Cattegirn shot the Kaibutsus.
Cattegirn: reloading. *reload sniper*
Callista: Aiken, you're up.
Suddenly, the area filled with gray mist. Wolf villains who hiding behind thick wall slayed one by one.
???: Es scheint, dass ihr Schwierigkeiten habt, gegen sie zu kämpfen, oh Operator. (It seems you have troubled fighting them, dear operator.)
Aiken (male grey cat, leader of empire) revealing himself through mist. He's holding his dual blade.
Aiken: Mein Herr, schicke uns, um dir zu helfen.
Kato: (he speaks German?!
Aiken: *thick German accent* apologize, it seems my native language confusing you. I said again, my Lord has send us to helping you.
Kato: your Lord? Bukids?
Aiken: correct.
Kato: (Bukids, where did you get this German servants?!)
Aiken approaching three of them.
Aiken: it seems your friends being neutralized. Let help them.
Aiken took out vial bottle from his pocket and tell them to drink it.
Aiken: feeling better? Now, let's get continue our show. Do not worry, my mist knows who is friend and foe, so you can see them through mist.
Huckle, Ryekie and Monomasa are fighting the wolf villains through mist. Kato only see their flash effect from their attacks like Huckle yellow bright, blue from Ryekie and green from Monomasa. Later, the mist disappear and the wolf villains has fainted.
Kato: we finally defeating them everyone!
Huckle: all thanks to you, Kato. Because of your guidance we fighting through mist.
Monomasa: thank you for guidance, Kato.
Ryekie hugging Kato and laughing loud.
Kato: not with their hel- *see Aiken disappear* ...
After that, they return to Parallel Flight and celebrating their victory. Later, Bukids return to Parallel Flight.
Bukids: I'm back... jeez... the commission is really pain.
Huckle: welcome back, Bukids.
Bukids: how's the battle, Huckle?
Huckle: it was really intense. We almost defeated by those villains.
Monomasa: luckily, some helpers from nowhere helping us to defeating them.
Bukids: wow, really?! That was so cool! I wish I can see them.
Ryekie: ahahahahaha!! No need for that, Bukids!! We can see the last live from the news today!!
Then, everyone is watching the news together.
Bukids: wow... they really helping you guys!
Huckle: they are, I wonder who might they be.
Kato: (Bukids... I wish I can tell them it's your servants but I don't want to ruin the mood.)
Afternoon in Parallel Flight, Bukids and Kato are in office room, Bukids lying down on couch while playing phone and hearing his earphones, while Kato working with his computer. Bukids listening from Kato's computer.
Bukids: *pause the music* Kato, you want bad news or good?
Kato: bad.
Bukids: 'Aswad having new type.
Kato: and?
Bukids: it's Kaibutsu type.
Kato pause for sec, he put his head on keyboard and growling.
Kato: uughhh... not with Kaibutsu... I hate dealing with them, and now with 'Aswad? Give me a break... What's good one?
Bukids: it's on hunters list.
Kato: so hunters can hunt them?
Bukids: yes.
Kato: ughh... I should happy or not... at least I don't meet with them today.
Bukids: didn't I installed 'Aswad track in your watch?
Kato: yes, but only you and Mokdai know how to handle them. *watch beeping and Kato return to his position* Yes, Huckle.
Huckle: Kato, we need your guidance! We having trouble dealing with wolf villains and Kaibutsu. Ryekie didn't want listen to me and keep fighting, while Monomasa is confused which he need to target first!
Kato: wolf villains and Kaibutsu?
Bukids: probably they control it.
Huckle: Bukids is right, wolf villains is controlled them to make them as alley!
Kato: right, I'm on my way!
Huckle: hurry and be careful! *hung up*
Bukids: *phone beeping* ah... commission like this?
Kato: it's okay, you finished your commission and I'll go helping them.
Bukids: okay, be careful.
Later, they leaving Parallel Flight separate ways. At city, Kato is arrived.
Huckle: Kato, you here!
Huckle parry wolf villain who trying to attack Kato.
Kato: thank you.
Kato using radar in his watch, his face looks intense and afraid. The radar is complete and Kato relief.
Kato: you said they having force field so they can't be hit?
Huckle: yes, we been struggling to defeating them, especially Kaibutsu. They only focus at Kaibutsu so we can't attack them.
Kato look at Ryekie who still fighting Kaibutsus, he keep attacking buy useless.
Monomasa: Kato, which one I should attack?
Kato: hold on *look watch* it's on that tree, the wolf villain use gadget for making force field.
Monomasa: understood.
Monomasa jump dash to tree where Kato pointing, he slash the tree and wolf villain fall to ground. The force field on Kaibutsu disappear.
Kato: Ryekie, Huckle!
Huckle and Ryekie team up beating Kaibutsus together. They finally defeating them all.
Ryekie: *panting* finally...!! We defeating them!! *hug Kato* It's all thanks to you, Kato!!
Kato: nghh... so tight...
Everyone is cheering for Kato.
Wolf villain: *slowly standing up* heh, do you think this is over?
Monomasa: !! Kato, watch out!!
Monomasa push Kato away and Huckle, Ryekie and Monomasa got sting by darts.
Kato: what?! Neutralize darts?!
Wolf villain: these aren't ordinary darts. We using some unique liquid for making them weak.
Huckle: ughh... my body... can't... move...
Ryekie: I'm feeling... tingling...!
Monomasa: Monomasa... can't move his body...
Wolf villain suddenly choke Kato and lift him.
Kato: nghh...
Wolf villain: your end is here, hero.
Watch: *beeping* the backup is arrive.
Kato: backup...?
Wolf Villain: where's your back up, hero? No one is coming here for you! *get headshot and fall to ground*
Kato: what?!
Kato look surprised because he got headshot by someone.
One by one, the wolf villains get headshot.
Kato: (sniper?! From who?!)
Wolf Villain: sniper!! Get cover!!
Wolf villains trying to hide from sniper. At top building, there's Cattegirn (male wolf, captain of empire) and Callista (female dog, secretary empire) as their backup. Cattegirn shift his revolver to sniper and Callista as his spotter.
Callista: behind brick on five.
Cattegirn: *shot*
Callista: the remains behind thick wall. Focus on monsters now.
Cattegirn shot the Kaibutsus.
Cattegirn: reloading. *reload sniper*
Callista: Aiken, you're up.
Suddenly, the area filled with gray mist. Wolf villains who hiding behind thick wall slayed one by one.
???: Es scheint, dass ihr Schwierigkeiten habt, gegen sie zu kämpfen, oh Operator. (It seems you have troubled fighting them, dear operator.)
Aiken (male grey cat, leader of empire) revealing himself through mist. He's holding his dual blade.
Aiken: Mein Herr, schicke uns, um dir zu helfen.
Kato: (he speaks German?!
Aiken: *thick German accent* apologize, it seems my native language confusing you. I said again, my Lord has send us to helping you.
Kato: your Lord? Bukids?
Aiken: correct.
Kato: (Bukids, where did you get this German servants?!)
Aiken approaching three of them.
Aiken: it seems your friends being neutralized. Let help them.
Aiken took out vial bottle from his pocket and tell them to drink it.
Aiken: feeling better? Now, let's get continue our show. Do not worry, my mist knows who is friend and foe, so you can see them through mist.
Huckle, Ryekie and Monomasa are fighting the wolf villains through mist. Kato only see their flash effect from their attacks like Huckle yellow bright, blue from Ryekie and green from Monomasa. Later, the mist disappear and the wolf villains has fainted.
Kato: we finally defeating them everyone!
Huckle: all thanks to you, Kato. Because of your guidance we fighting through mist.
Monomasa: thank you for guidance, Kato.
Ryekie hugging Kato and laughing loud.
Kato: not with their hel- *see Aiken disappear* ...
After that, they return to Parallel Flight and celebrating their victory. Later, Bukids return to Parallel Flight.
Bukids: I'm back... jeez... the commission is really pain.
Huckle: welcome back, Bukids.
Bukids: how's the battle, Huckle?
Huckle: it was really intense. We almost defeated by those villains.
Monomasa: luckily, some helpers from nowhere helping us to defeating them.
Bukids: wow, really?! That was so cool! I wish I can see them.
Ryekie: ahahahahaha!! No need for that, Bukids!! We can see the last live from the news today!!
Then, everyone is watching the news together.
Bukids: wow... they really helping you guys!
Huckle: they are, I wonder who might they be.
Kato: (Bukids... I wish I can tell them it's your servants but I don't want to ruin the mood.)
Kato: You said they have force field so they can't be hit?
This also happened in the original game. Some seemingly invincible enemies can only be defeated if certain conditions are met, such as adding more than 3 debuffs to the enemy in one round, or being 3 times faster than the enemy.
This also happened in the original game. Some seemingly invincible enemies can only be defeated if certain conditions are met, such as adding more than 3 debuffs to the enemy in one round, or being 3 times faster than the enemy.
Wolf villain: these aren't ordinary darts. We are using some unique liquid for making them weak.
Negative states of paralysis? ... In the game, there is indeed a state of being unable to move or HP recover in one turn. At this time, a character who can remove the debuff is needed to deal with it.
Negative states of paralysis? ... In the game, there is indeed a state of being unable to move or HP recover in one turn. At this time, a character who can remove the debuff is needed to deal with it.
Wolf villains trying to hide from sniper. At top building, there's Cattegirn (male wolf, captain of empire) and Callista (female dog, secretary empire) as their backup. Cattegirn shift his revolver to sniper and Callista as his spotter.
Not sure if Live a hero has the principle of "try not to let all characters use the same weapon". Currently, there are only two heroes who can use guns or sniper rifles, Barrel and Roiker.
Not sure if Live a hero has the principle of "try not to let all characters use the same weapon". Currently, there are only two heroes who can use guns or sniper rifles, Barrel and Roiker.
Aiken: I'm a fool, I'm tired.
Kato: (he speaks German?!
Aiken: *thick German accent* apologize, it seems my native language confusing you. I said again, my Lord has sent us to helping you.
Kato: your Lord? Bukids?
Aiken: correct.
Kato: (Bukids, where did you get these German servants?!)
To be honest, I probably wouldn't be too surprised if you summoned an entire army to help.XD
However, if the opponent is just Wolf villains, there is no need to go to great lengths.
Kato: (he speaks German?!
Aiken: *thick German accent* apologize, it seems my native language confusing you. I said again, my Lord has sent us to helping you.
Kato: your Lord? Bukids?
Aiken: correct.
Kato: (Bukids, where did you get these German servants?!)
To be honest, I probably wouldn't be too surprised if you summoned an entire army to help.XD
However, if the opponent is just Wolf villains, there is no need to go to great lengths.
Huckle: Welcome back, Bukids.
Bukids: how's the battle, Huckle?
Huckle: it was really intense. We almost defeated by those villains.
Monomasa: luckily, some helpers from nowhere helping us to defeating them.
Bukids: wow, really?! That was so cool! I wish I could see them.
You should have known it.XD
Bukids: how's the battle, Huckle?
Huckle: it was really intense. We almost defeated by those villains.
Monomasa: luckily, some helpers from nowhere helping us to defeating them.
Bukids: wow, really?! That was so cool! I wish I could see them.
You should have known it.XD
Then, everyone is watching the news together.
Bukids: wow... they really helping you guys!
Huckle: they are, I wonder who might they be.
Kato: (Bukids... I wish I can tell them it's your servants but I don't want to ruin the mood.)
If there is another battle that puts Kato and others in danger, they may show up again to help.
Thanks for writing, Bukids~~! *hugs*
You did good job, let me post it~~!
Bukids: wow... they really helping you guys!
Huckle: they are, I wonder who might they be.
Kato: (Bukids... I wish I can tell them it's your servants but I don't want to ruin the mood.)
If there is another battle that puts Kato and others in danger, they may show up again to help.
Thanks for writing, Bukids~~! *hugs*
You did good job, let me post it~~!