My boss is fucking me over.


Hiliary 2020
^^^ Must be a Jersey thing. ^^^

was born with a set of scruples
rivaled only by the size of sex-nards, and so is compelled
to do the right thing.

Workers gotta stand up for each other,
otherwise the scumbags win.

well then whats he asking us for?
and without knowing what the illegal stuff is or how it involves him how can anyone give an informed answer?
i and supafly were the only ones to give the guy a real answer, but i now will change it.

quit vodka, there no good for you.
those fucking criminal assholes.
There's always anonymous whistleblowing.

It's hard to say without having more knowledge of his situation but one of the drawbacks of anonymous whistle blowing is that you might be one of the people caught up in the blame if they are making you do illegal things.
It's hard to say without having more knowledge of his situation but one of the drawbacks of anonymous whistle blowing is that You Might be one of the people caught up in the blame if they are making you do illegal things.

That's true be careful if you decide to go that route Vodka.:kiss:

Look for another job.
It's hard to say without having more knowledge of his situation but one of the drawbacks of anonymous whistle blowing is that you might be one of the people caught up in the blame if they are making you do illegal things.

From firsthand experience, I can say there are plenty of outlets to prevent this from happening, provided someone is willing to take the step necessary.


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
Welcome to capitalism.
I've never had it THIS bad before.

Well, in Germany, we have federal agencies that can be contacted to look into illegal practices.
That's in Germany where you have a Kantian respect for rules. Here in Britain the Tories are in power. How much care for the poor being oppressed do you think there is?

The question in my eyes is: Do these practices harm you in any kind, or do you personally are supposed to act against the law in any way? If so, do they give you written orders? That coul help you a lot, but in my personal experience, bosses stay away from any written orders.
It pisses me off; They only pay me about 60% of the hours I work, I never get a break even if I work an 8 hours shift and I don't see why I should put up with it.

Basically: If you become a law-breaker by doing your job, better get a new one or tell the police (Best do it anonymously - But don't try calling them with suppressed phone ID they always get your phone number)
I've talked with some people and they say that telling the police on them could get me in trouble, even though I've done nothing wrong.

unless your physical well being is at risk , shut up, do your job and get paid.

am i right or am i right.........or am i right?
Physical well being isn't relaly at risk...
But since they only pay me 60% of the hours I work, you can understand that I'm reluctant to just shut up and do my job :thefinger:

I think what I'll do is look for a new job while I can.
I got this job to keep me going while I was studying, but I've not been in it long and I've already had enough.
The company has had previous problems for treating it's staff like shit. I'll leave when I find a new job, but if somebody else leaves first then I'll blow the whistle anonymously and hope they take the fall :dunno:
It's annoying; I was so pleased to get a new job, but now I realise that I'd be better off just sitting at home on benefits; why should I get fucked over making someone else a pile of money?
Look for another job. Working for the mob can be dangerous for you and for your beloved ones if you blow the whistle.The fact that they threatened you is enough significant of the danger you are exposed to.


Closed Account
Looking for another job is prob the best.
But meanwhile you can keep a kind of log. Write down your working hours and what you get paid (only 60% paid??? Fuck!), is there anything you notice that's actually illegal, what's irregular, do your collegeas get paid, what customers came that day, do you have copies of documents, whatever. If you would ever blow the whistle, at least you would have something.
Welcome to capitalism.

See it every day with Federal agencies... Actually, had this same conversation with a friend a few weeks ago that works at Labor. People in his branch were steering grants towards friend's companies and showing blatant bias by not going through the normal review process... He blew the whistle, got "transferred", and they arrested 8 people. I told him that was a good start!

At the end of the day, if someone is breaking the law or even being unethical to the point that it's bothering you, I think you know what to do. And no one ever said doing the right thing was easy... heck, that's why most people DON'T do the right thing these days.


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
Apparently it's like this all over that sector. Meeting today; if they don't give me the holiday I want I'll start looking before Xmas. But I might anyway.
Go higher up the chain.