World's Largest VR Star Wars Battle
- Опубликовано: 16 мар 2025
- Begun the Clone Wars has... but it's in virtual reality! Recreating "Attack of the Clones" in Blade and Sorcery VR with Star Wars mods.
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What are the mods?
@@Yoked_FN mods, I know a few Star Wars Bladen sorcery: force mod light savers mod Star Wars characters outer rim mod Darth Vader mod that’s all of the mods of Star Wars for blade and sorcery
Not just the men but the women and the children too
@@fairfieldpsychic561you forgot the outer rim mod
@@WalterWhite-q2r forgot
Anakin effortlessly treating the younglings like Whack-A-Mole is crazy💀💀
Droid: *Stares intensely*
Also Droid: "What were my orders again?"
stares intensely at female b1 battle droid art*
@@reaperofnight123 💀💀
-shoots Jango in the side of the head- "NO I NEEDED HIM ALIVE" 😂😂😂
"I can see anakin's midichlorian count from here" 🤣🤣5:30
“Commit psychological war crimes I must” Yoda 2023 with the most accurate description of the Jedi mind trick
Finally we got to see *Darth Jar Jar vs Rey* in Life Action! ( 13:05 )
No, he is mad because we are not in episode 7 yet...
Anakin: trying to be stealthy at the Tusken camp
Also Anakin: still has his lightsaber ignited
You clearly never gone to a turkey camp. You’re always supposed to keep a giant ass light with you.
Turkey camp
@@romanmorozov6974 I only just noticed lol. I meant to put Tusken but auto correct made it Turkey
13:06 Proud of you Jar Jar! Defeating all the Jedi.
Anakin knows about Padme being "on top of things"
Dude I haven’t watched you in a while and now your channel got bigger, congrats man you deserve this.
Same I just checked back in on him and he had 10k & now he’s at 100k & he deserves it
Dam he got fatter
bro same too, i swear last time i watched him he had like 12k subs and now hes at 112k lol@@gdfusi0n623
He has got tons since I last checked darn
This is pretty epic if you ask me. This is the kind of thing that makes a channel grow.
“There are no bras in space” - George Lucas
Very intelligent fellow, he was. His creativity, clever it was. 😂
Only bikinis
But LITERALLY every ship has artificial gravity 😂
Good now lift up your t shirt
Leia in Return Of The Jedi
*Throws Padmé of the tower*
"Anakin, get padmé! Shes.....drunk!
Anakin: PADMÉ!
“Remember:No Tusken.” -Anakin/Vladmir Makarov.
This man deserves an Oscar for voicing everything and making funny fire videos
The "OH NO MY LIGHTSABER WENT TO COURUSCANT" had me cracking up 🤣🤣
9:52 I honestly burst out laughing 😂
“No Tuscan” will be a mission that goes down in history, for better or for worse.
I remember the first time I played the "No Russian" level, after I finished I put down the controller and had to take video games encouraging people to be violent into consideration because it really felt like I had just ended a room full of people lol.
When you starting sawing off Jengo's head 19:25😂
As epic as always
There has to be one of these for every Star Wars Movie
FR! Imagine how sick a duel map on the Death Star ruins on Endor would be??
Petition to give CT-420 the resources to buy another blaster:
Signed it
0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00
This was incredibly entertaining and extremely well edited, i laughed so many times throughout! As someone who plays lots of Blade, what absolute super computer did you use to accomplish this!? Awesome job!! 👍
thank you :) an rtx 4090 was acquired for these purposes
@@gabzito240p a while ago you made a darth maul fight can i please know how you got the map or what it is called
I swear he's stolen a NASA super computer in order to run B&S with that many NPCs
I love these videos man! And you are really good at voice acting and I love that.
I appreciate it Elmo
13:08 is the best scene in this video 😂😂😂
R.I.P the clone that got choked to death by kenobi
Absolute Masterpiece🔥
Absolute underrated masterpiece
Zulu You watch him? Bro both of u needa do a collab
Zulu you are on of my favorite RUclipsrs
please do more of these movie recreations i think its really cool!
Really he should.
13:40 the I Hate you
xD bro that's just amazing
If Disney hired this guy to direct the sequels, they would have become masterpieces for centuries to come.
do you really believe that?
@@peskyseagull, yes. It would still be nonsensical, but at least fun to watch and not an insult to the viewers. At this point I believe almost any human being with a functioning brain would do a better job at writing and directing Star Wars shows/movies than people currently doing it.
Anakin screaming “I hate you” while flying away will never get old
"there are no bras in space you know, take them off"
1:35 the dead guy in the background
13:06 the “what” and the slap had me ballin
You know it is a good day when gabzito uploads
I really like the phase 1 clone troopers if I made a clone costume one day it would probably a phase one…….or better yet a Republic Commando
broo nice moves there at 14:32 lol
“Anakin, get Padme, she’s drunk” 🤣🤣
"At this rate, I'll be able to retire-"
*Is decapitated.*
Massive W as always 🐐
8:26 “the physiological war crimes are strong with this one”
This man could single handily make a production that would be 10000000 times better than all of the sequels combined
Nah the Yoda subscribe thing worked 100%
The clones look exactly how they do in AOTC.
13:05 Everyone liked that.
Sir you are criminally underrated.
This alone is better than all the sequels combined
19:04 Jango's special move: Breaking the fabric of reality
The strike with the younglings was the best part 😂😂😂
Now you gotta do this with every movie
This guy is now officially my favorite RUclipsr❤
Anakin: I don't like sand
Obi-Wan: Tf you just say to me?
18:12 is truly something...
3:42 that was the perfect music
"I think I shat my clone pants" killed me tbh
13:50 pov: the us military as soon as they run out of males to recruit 💀
it's been so long since last time I seen my favorite RUclipsr lost in my mind. Yeah, I forgot this guy.
I loved this! Thank you for making me laugh today.🤣🤣🤣
"Jedi dont carry blasters!"
Obi-Wan in the movies: *is peaceful*
How we all depict obi-wan: *Proceeds to suplex Padme into a droid in front of Anakin*
I can’t stop laughing at this part 16:21
And real quick the droids might get a bit weird during the war 18:13
Imagine Thanos traveled the multiverse and had to battle Mando, Ahsoka, and Boba. That’s be kinda cool
6:38 I love that little tune, 🎵🎵🎵 jango 🎵🎵🎵
“Taking it like a champ” -Negan the walking dead
Watching your videos all the time is going to make me buy a VR headset hah
Jar Jar being the second most hated Star Wars taking out the worst makes me feel all tingly
i die every time any flies away like "I HAte yo-.."
Rather have this than Disney by a mile 😂
exactly as i remember the attack of the clones good job
This video is amazing 20 minutes of straight laughing you deserve this sub
First vid I watched of you and you already got me laughing
“Remember no Tusken” call of duty reference
I feel bad for his pc
Erm actually it is vr
these film is better than the original one. Very good job Gabzito. And remember: may the order 69 be with you, ever
18:12 AYO! What those clankers looking at!
13:40 lmaoooo that was great
I watched your old vids long time no see I remember the old days I’ve Ben a fan for a long time keep your good work up !
ah yes Attack of the clones but with less memes beutiful (chefs kiss)
I was planning to watch the Star Wars prequels today
Now I don’t need to
“Release me” said the clone trooper calmly.
You are so violent😂😂
10:07 what's crazy is his master and his apprentice got a TV show before him
this video amazing i saw this and i clicked it faster than grievous's lightsabers
I love gabzito's videos!!
"This is my longest jump ever"
*proceeds to slam Padme's body so hard onto a droid and into the ground that shes broken*
Hehe you'll never find me
Hello there
Finds mom was tortured to death, proceeds to use mom's body to hit the Tuskins while saying "look what you've done to my mom"
6:39 is my new favorite song lmao 😂😂
18:09 I’m not superised this is the most replayed part
😏 🟧⬛️
Anakin: I really like burning Tuskens and fire.
Me: Have I got the planet for you!
"You guys are very fragile"
**uses lightsaber**
this was funny af and really well edited lol
That last part! My chest hurts from laughing!
"Neighbors filed a noise complaint"
dude your videos cheer me up this video i know is a banger
You need to make an event with thousands of players participating in it, because everyone will want to do that
I started watching your videos, and it made me want to subscribe
Ct-1: I didn't mean to not see Anakin all day! Come on!!!!
Battle Droid (Commander): I can do! *Gos to the past to train better*
If anyone is wondering he is playing blade and sorcery with mods. He is also playing on sandbox mode btw.