World's Largest VR Star Wars Battle

  • Опубликовано: 16 мар 2025
  • Begun the Clone Wars has... but it's in virtual reality! Recreating "Attack of the Clones" in Blade and Sorcery VR with Star Wars mods.
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Комментарии • 677

  • @gabzito240p
    @gabzito240p  Год назад +90

    deleted scenes for channel membersвидео.htmlsi=5XYdyv6m_VT8eMlh

    • @Yoked_FN
      @Yoked_FN Год назад +3

      What are the mods?

    • @fairfieldpsychic561
      @fairfieldpsychic561 Год назад +4

      ⁠@@Yoked_FN mods, I know a few Star Wars Bladen sorcery: force mod light savers mod Star Wars characters outer rim mod Darth Vader mod that’s all of the mods of Star Wars for blade and sorcery

    • @theREALepicSPURRIT
      @theREALepicSPURRIT Год назад +3

      Not just the men but the women and the children too

    • @WalterWhite-q2r
      @WalterWhite-q2r 9 месяцев назад +2

      @@fairfieldpsychic561you forgot the outer rim mod

    • @fairfieldpsychic561
      @fairfieldpsychic561 9 месяцев назад +2

      @@WalterWhite-q2r forgot

  • @MannyDeVine
    @MannyDeVine Год назад +148

    Anakin effortlessly treating the younglings like Whack-A-Mole is crazy💀💀

  • @DarkSkyVoid
    @DarkSkyVoid Год назад +209

    Droid: *Stares intensely*
    Also Droid: "What were my orders again?"

    • @reaperofnight123
      @reaperofnight123 9 месяцев назад +2

      stares intensely at female b1 battle droid art*

    • @luqiiiii
      @luqiiiii 2 месяца назад

      @@reaperofnight123 💀💀

  • @MothsTreeLeaf
    @MothsTreeLeaf Год назад +93

    -shoots Jango in the side of the head- "NO I NEEDED HIM ALIVE" 😂😂😂

  • @ArtByAhri
    @ArtByAhri Год назад +136

    "I can see anakin's midichlorian count from here" 🤣🤣5:30

  • @DarthShado_w
    @DarthShado_w Год назад +79

    “Commit psychological war crimes I must” Yoda 2023 with the most accurate description of the Jedi mind trick

  • @kage2479
    @kage2479 Год назад +88

    Finally we got to see *Darth Jar Jar vs Rey* in Life Action! ( 13:05 )

  • @Twillek1019_
    @Twillek1019_ Год назад +91

    Anakin: trying to be stealthy at the Tusken camp
    Also Anakin: still has his lightsaber ignited

    • @OverflowingWithIdeas
      @OverflowingWithIdeas Год назад +1

      You clearly never gone to a turkey camp. You’re always supposed to keep a giant ass light with you.

    • @romanmorozov6974
      @romanmorozov6974 Месяц назад

      Turkey camp

    • @Twillek1019_
      @Twillek1019_ Месяц назад +1

      @@romanmorozov6974 I only just noticed lol. I meant to put Tusken but auto correct made it Turkey

  • @SolutusEversol
    @SolutusEversol Год назад +37

    13:06 Proud of you Jar Jar! Defeating all the Jedi.

  • @legotron8251
    @legotron8251 Год назад +25

    Anakin knows about Padme being "on top of things"

  • @theghostreckon316
    @theghostreckon316 Год назад +256

    Dude I haven’t watched you in a while and now your channel got bigger, congrats man you deserve this.

    • @gdfusi0n623
      @gdfusi0n623 Год назад +10

      Same I just checked back in on him and he had 10k & now he’s at 100k & he deserves it

    • @BigbotR-J
      @BigbotR-J Год назад

      Dam he got fatter

    • @prehistoricblob783
      @prehistoricblob783 Год назад

      bro same too, i swear last time i watched him he had like 12k subs and now hes at 112k lol@@gdfusi0n623

    • @Guitar289
      @Guitar289 Год назад +4

      He has got tons since I last checked darn

  • @llamascheese8972
    @llamascheese8972 Год назад +76

    This is pretty epic if you ask me. This is the kind of thing that makes a channel grow.

  • @InfernoVerse975
    @InfernoVerse975 Год назад +505

    “There are no bras in space” - George Lucas

  • @andrewmarin3941
    @andrewmarin3941 Год назад +79

    *Throws Padmé of the tower*
    "Anakin, get padmé! Shes.....drunk!

    • @BlueeyesJB
      @BlueeyesJB 9 месяцев назад +7

      Anakin: PADMÉ!

  • @Myka342
    @Myka342 11 месяцев назад +15

    “Remember:No Tusken.” -Anakin/Vladmir Makarov.

  • @NetProductions4516
    @NetProductions4516 Год назад +39

    This man deserves an Oscar for voicing everything and making funny fire videos

  • @rayziontv1441
    @rayziontv1441 Год назад +12

    The "OH NO MY LIGHTSABER WENT TO COURUSCANT" had me cracking up 🤣🤣

  • @OliCro2025
    @OliCro2025 Год назад +60

    9:52 I honestly burst out laughing 😂

  • @gobbles1181
    @gobbles1181 Год назад +14

    “No Tuscan” will be a mission that goes down in history, for better or for worse.

    • @DefileOdds
      @DefileOdds 11 месяцев назад +3

      I remember the first time I played the "No Russian" level, after I finished I put down the controller and had to take video games encouraging people to be violent into consideration because it really felt like I had just ended a room full of people lol.

  • @Subremedy
    @Subremedy Год назад +38

    When you starting sawing off Jengo's head 19:25😂

  • @dietmar1236
    @dietmar1236 Год назад +25

    As epic as always
    There has to be one of these for every Star Wars Movie

    • @hyp0cr1tical
      @hyp0cr1tical Год назад

      FR! Imagine how sick a duel map on the Death Star ruins on Endor would be??

  • @kage2479
    @kage2479 Год назад +91

    Petition to give CT-420 the resources to buy another blaster:

  • @Nickumtoo
    @Nickumtoo Год назад +87

    This was incredibly entertaining and extremely well edited, i laughed so many times throughout! As someone who plays lots of Blade, what absolute super computer did you use to accomplish this!? Awesome job!! 👍

    • @gabzito240p
      @gabzito240p  Год назад +10

      thank you :) an rtx 4090 was acquired for these purposes

    • @rocketsoda11
      @rocketsoda11 Год назад +3

      ​@@gabzito240p ​ a while ago you made a darth maul fight can i please know how you got the map or what it is called

  • @IVofZorros
    @IVofZorros Год назад +21

    I swear he's stolen a NASA super computer in order to run B&S with that many NPCs

  • @ElmoPlayss
    @ElmoPlayss Год назад +15

    I love these videos man! And you are really good at voice acting and I love that.

  • @cinthyabrito8442
    @cinthyabrito8442 9 месяцев назад +6

    13:08 is the best scene in this video 😂😂😂

  • @PatrickMartinez-xo7tx
    @PatrickMartinez-xo7tx 9 месяцев назад +9

    R.I.P the clone that got choked to death by kenobi

  • @Zulushi
    @Zulushi Год назад +47

    Absolute Masterpiece🔥

  • @EmmetDaMarble
    @EmmetDaMarble Год назад +11

    please do more of these movie recreations i think its really cool!

  • @BlueeyesJB
    @BlueeyesJB 10 месяцев назад +2


  • @Ren3gaid
    @Ren3gaid Год назад +13

    13:40 the I Hate you
    xD bro that's just amazing

  • @romanshagiev9205
    @romanshagiev9205 Год назад +33

    If Disney hired this guy to direct the sequels, they would have become masterpieces for centuries to come.

    • @peskyseagull
      @peskyseagull Год назад +1

      do you really believe that?

    • @romanshagiev9205
      @romanshagiev9205 Год назад +2

      @@peskyseagull, yes. It would still be nonsensical, but at least fun to watch and not an insult to the viewers. At this point I believe almost any human being with a functioning brain would do a better job at writing and directing Star Wars shows/movies than people currently doing it.

  • @RealBelisariusCawl
    @RealBelisariusCawl Месяц назад

    Anakin screaming “I hate you” while flying away will never get old

  • @Salmia_Innovation_and_Research
    @Salmia_Innovation_and_Research 8 месяцев назад +2

    "there are no bras in space you know, take them off"

    @THEEFILETINGFISH 5 месяцев назад +5

    1:35 the dead guy in the background

  • @Brody-ns1dk
    @Brody-ns1dk 9 месяцев назад +1

    13:06 the “what” and the slap had me ballin

  • @beckywilson1550
    @beckywilson1550 Год назад +8

    You know it is a good day when gabzito uploads

  • @CarpetSmiley-ks3sw
    @CarpetSmiley-ks3sw Год назад +5

    I really like the phase 1 clone troopers if I made a clone costume one day it would probably a phase one…….or better yet a Republic Commando

  • @simonblake778
    @simonblake778 Год назад +3

    broo nice moves there at 14:32 lol

  • @jamesgardner6499
    @jamesgardner6499 10 месяцев назад +1

    “Anakin, get Padme, she’s drunk” 🤣🤣

  • @UndertaleLover1997
    @UndertaleLover1997 9 месяцев назад +1

    "At this rate, I'll be able to retire-"
    *Is decapitated.*

  • @Vadakin597
    @Vadakin597 Год назад +9

    Massive W as always 🐐

  • @FRACHET65
    @FRACHET65 7 месяцев назад +1

    8:26 “the physiological war crimes are strong with this one”

  • @NicholasAirmenti-r8p
    @NicholasAirmenti-r8p 7 месяцев назад

    This man could single handily make a production that would be 10000000 times better than all of the sequels combined

  • @Bishop115Gaming
    @Bishop115Gaming Год назад +2

    Nah the Yoda subscribe thing worked 100%

  • @Natedog-gx3nj
    @Natedog-gx3nj Год назад +8

    The clones look exactly how they do in AOTC.

  • @DoinkReacts
    @DoinkReacts Год назад +2

    13:05 Everyone liked that.

  • @titusyoung141
    @titusyoung141 Год назад

    Sir you are criminally underrated.
    This alone is better than all the sequels combined

  • @redpokemon1077
    @redpokemon1077 Месяц назад

    19:04 Jango's special move: Breaking the fabric of reality

  • @bloodmasta1
    @bloodmasta1 Год назад +1

    The strike with the younglings was the best part 😂😂😂

  • @The_K-Dude
    @The_K-Dude Год назад +3

    Now you gotta do this with every movie

  • @leonardhochstein4648
    @leonardhochstein4648 Год назад +2

    This guy is now officially my favorite RUclipsr❤

  • @xAstralbody
    @xAstralbody Год назад +1

    Anakin: I don't like sand
    Obi-Wan: Tf you just say to me?

  • @happyface260
    @happyface260 9 месяцев назад +2

    18:12 is truly something...

  • @gregorygonzalez-z9d
    @gregorygonzalez-z9d Год назад +2

    3:42 that was the perfect music

  • @beethoven1134
    @beethoven1134 22 дня назад

    "I think I shat my clone pants" killed me tbh

  • @rockstarfoxyproductions2490
    @rockstarfoxyproductions2490 2 месяца назад +1

    13:50 pov: the us military as soon as they run out of males to recruit 💀

  • @starboy0714
    @starboy0714 Год назад +1

    it's been so long since last time I seen my favorite RUclipsr lost in my mind. Yeah, I forgot this guy.

  • @Pureignition58
    @Pureignition58 11 месяцев назад

    I loved this! Thank you for making me laugh today.🤣🤣🤣

  • @captaintristan1176
    @captaintristan1176 Год назад +4

    "Jedi dont carry blasters!"

  • @CantHop
    @CantHop 9 месяцев назад +1

    Obi-Wan in the movies: *is peaceful*
    How we all depict obi-wan: *Proceeds to suplex Padme into a droid in front of Anakin*

  • @tangonaninc
    @tangonaninc 2 месяца назад

    I can’t stop laughing at this part 16:21
    And real quick the droids might get a bit weird during the war 18:13

  • @EdatheOwlGamer51
    @EdatheOwlGamer51 Год назад +1

    Imagine Thanos traveled the multiverse and had to battle Mando, Ahsoka, and Boba. That’s be kinda cool

  • @carnyscreations
    @carnyscreations 7 месяцев назад

    6:38 I love that little tune, 🎵🎵🎵 jango 🎵🎵🎵

  • @crazeelegscrane105
    @crazeelegscrane105 2 месяца назад

    “Taking it like a champ” -Negan the walking dead

  • @haidynallard7872
    @haidynallard7872 Год назад +1

    Watching your videos all the time is going to make me buy a VR headset hah

  • @christinengstrom7258
    @christinengstrom7258 2 месяца назад

    Jar Jar being the second most hated Star Wars taking out the worst makes me feel all tingly

  • @jacobjohnson4829
    @jacobjohnson4829 4 месяца назад

    i die every time any flies away like "I HAte yo-.."

  • @PaperFloss
    @PaperFloss Год назад +6

    Rather have this than Disney by a mile 😂

  • @cipeam8090
    @cipeam8090 Год назад +1

    exactly as i remember the attack of the clones good job

  • @RealTorick
    @RealTorick Год назад +1

    This video is amazing 20 minutes of straight laughing you deserve this sub

  • @LuckylegionTTV
    @LuckylegionTTV 6 месяцев назад

    First vid I watched of you and you already got me laughing

  • @Mrsingsong
    @Mrsingsong 11 месяцев назад +1

    “Remember no Tusken” call of duty reference

  • @Zartanuma
    @Zartanuma 7 месяцев назад +17

    I feel bad for his pc

  • @CR-2906
    @CR-2906 9 месяцев назад

    these film is better than the original one. Very good job Gabzito. And remember: may the order 69 be with you, ever

  • @patrick3768
    @patrick3768 Год назад +1

    18:12 AYO! What those clankers looking at!

  • @ZeroTraceOperative
    @ZeroTraceOperative 10 месяцев назад +1

    13:40 lmaoooo that was great

  • @STar-f4r
    @STar-f4r Год назад

    I watched your old vids long time no see I remember the old days I’ve Ben a fan for a long time keep your good work up !

  • @FireBat3
    @FireBat3 Год назад +2

    ah yes Attack of the clones but with less memes beutiful (chefs kiss)

  • @Fire_Crystal
    @Fire_Crystal 9 месяцев назад +1

    I was planning to watch the Star Wars prequels today
    Now I don’t need to

  • @igrpvn
    @igrpvn Год назад

    “Release me” said the clone trooper calmly.

  • @grannknit4775
    @grannknit4775 8 месяцев назад +1

    You are so violent😂😂

  • @jjalicea9916
    @jjalicea9916 2 месяца назад

    10:07 what's crazy is his master and his apprentice got a TV show before him

  • @JenniferPikk
    @JenniferPikk Год назад +1

    this video amazing i saw this and i clicked it faster than grievous's lightsabers

  • @Cranixx
    @Cranixx Год назад +1

    I love gabzito's videos!!

  • @yodatheweeb
    @yodatheweeb 9 месяцев назад

    "This is my longest jump ever"
    *proceeds to slam Padme's body so hard onto a droid and into the ground that shes broken*

  • @Boba_Fett_Bounty_Hunter
    @Boba_Fett_Bounty_Hunter Год назад +4

    Hehe you'll never find me

  • @yodatheweeb
    @yodatheweeb 9 месяцев назад

    Finds mom was tortured to death, proceeds to use mom's body to hit the Tuskins while saying "look what you've done to my mom"

  • @ScottStyx
    @ScottStyx 2 месяца назад

    6:39 is my new favorite song lmao 😂😂

  • @Hellslayer_Edits
    @Hellslayer_Edits 6 месяцев назад +2

    18:09 I’m not superised this is the most replayed part

  • @mikhailiagacesa3406
    @mikhailiagacesa3406 11 месяцев назад

    Anakin: I really like burning Tuskens and fire.
    Me: Have I got the planet for you!

  • @GrayStillPlays--Technoblade
    @GrayStillPlays--Technoblade 7 месяцев назад +1

    "You guys are very fragile"
    **uses lightsaber**

  • @Australienxo
    @Australienxo Год назад

    this was funny af and really well edited lol

  • @uchihasenjuu
    @uchihasenjuu Год назад

    That last part! My chest hurts from laughing!

  • @yourlocaltrashsnatcher1645
    @yourlocaltrashsnatcher1645 Год назад +2

    "Neighbors filed a noise complaint"

  • @JenniferPikk
    @JenniferPikk Год назад

    dude your videos cheer me up this video i know is a banger

  • @Tobysaurusrex10
    @Tobysaurusrex10 Год назад

    You need to make an event with thousands of players participating in it, because everyone will want to do that

  • @Fedora_Hat64
    @Fedora_Hat64 Год назад

    I started watching your videos, and it made me want to subscribe

  • @BlueeyesJB
    @BlueeyesJB 9 месяцев назад

    Ct-1: I didn't mean to not see Anakin all day! Come on!!!!
    Battle Droid (Commander): I can do! *Gos to the past to train better*

  • @Bruh83747
    @Bruh83747 4 месяца назад

    If anyone is wondering he is playing blade and sorcery with mods. He is also playing on sandbox mode btw.