Setting Up Your New Computer Safely

  • Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
  • НаукаНаука

Комментарии • 703

  • @robbraxmantech
    @robbraxmantech  5 лет назад +114

    Please leave comments and questions! Always happy to answer all.

    • @jasonk7675
      @jasonk7675 5 лет назад +5

      Rob Braxman Tech could you please provide us the documentation that you mentioned to streamline the set up process or is following this video's guide good enough?

    • @jasonk7675
      @jasonk7675 5 лет назад +5

      David Ambiguous you have to give Apple a lot of faith (not trust, because Apple is a black box company) to use their products. all they give you is their words and their words are meaningless marketing crap. think they wouldn't give your data to the NSA? think again. they gave the Chinese communist party access to Chinese users data.

    • @christopherhoy592
      @christopherhoy592 4 года назад

      @John Cena I don't think Rob would help you with setting up your laptop... The phone? That would depend on if the phone is already listed as a brand and a model that Braxman already has listed on his shop site. (Which is only very few phones and models. Sign up for and look for the icon of the shopping cart to determine which phone models these are.)

    • @RockNRobee
      @RockNRobee 4 года назад +6

      I bought a new computer from Dell almost a month ago. This is the video I've been looking for. Now I think I'll finally open it up! Thanks so much!!

    • @VondaInWonderland
      @VondaInWonderland 4 года назад

      Please help me! I need to setup my windows ♥

  • @tomjones2348
    @tomjones2348 5 лет назад +149

    Thanks you Rob, for leaving out the background music on this video. It's so much easier to listen to. Having music running is just distracting. People like me don't need the entertainment element. Just the facts. Great info.

    • @robbraxmantech
      @robbraxmantech  5 лет назад +38

      Thanks Tom. I'm torn on both sides of this. Some like it with music and some don't. Can't win. So we'll see

    • @TisOnlyAScratch
      @TisOnlyAScratch 5 лет назад +4

      Perhaps two versions. One with, one without music? Lol!

    • @tutsecret499
      @tutsecret499 3 года назад +1

      Strange. I don't hear this music background, and my volume is loud.

    • @JapetoYT
      @JapetoYT 3 года назад +6

      @@tutsecret499 there is none lol

    • @jjr6929
      @jjr6929 3 года назад +4

      Any difference between a laptop and a desktop that we need to know?

  • @MrTheZephyros
    @MrTheZephyros 3 года назад +21

    We need a remake of this content for 2021!!

  • @sonnymoon6465
    @sonnymoon6465 5 лет назад +64

    Very helpful ! 20 years online and first time hearing this !

    • @samsun01
      @samsun01 4 года назад +1

      Calm down dude.

    • @HighSpeedNoDrag
      @HighSpeedNoDrag 4 года назад


    • @Dakkaroni
      @Dakkaroni 3 года назад +10

      Operating Windows on a non admin account blew my mind and makes sense.

  • @soniachen3118
    @soniachen3118 3 года назад +23

    I am not excited when I have a new computer; I get excited whenever Rob uploads a new video, and even when I review his older, (but) well done videos ! 😂👍

  • @MAX-gi7re
    @MAX-gi7re 4 года назад +10

    Just bought a new computer for my son. Used this video’s steps to set it up for privacy. Thanks, Rob, for all you do!

    @RedaELFARISSI 4 года назад +13

    I watch a lot of tech videos about privacy and security and yours are the most realistic to achieve. Thank you for the high quality content.

  • @davidmackie8617
    @davidmackie8617 4 года назад +3

    Wow, just bought a new computer ten minutes ago and then out the blue this pops up on my recommendations, being computer illiterate and having had nothing but bother with malware and viruses i'm hoping this is the line in the sand i need, Thanks Rob, off to watch your best browser video.

  • @pavelow36
    @pavelow36 5 лет назад +4

    If youtube has way to heart this I'd do that. I worked for a major security/AV company from 2008 to 2015. I started with creating patterns for malware from those we have collected. On my last 4 years I transferred to our enterprise department installing gateway/smtp appliances in different companies in europe. You are absolutely correct that a home user does not need an antivirus even for Windows. this is the only channel I found in youtube that is spot on privacy. Good job sir!

    • @robbraxmantech
      @robbraxmantech  5 лет назад +1

      Thank you!

    • @flickaJay
      @flickaJay 2 года назад

      @@robbraxmantech I clicked the thumbs up because you take time to answer. ppreciate your advice. I am going to look up about VPNs and may get yours. I'd like to do it for a 2 person household.

  • @cemetery895
    @cemetery895 2 года назад +2

    Also another thing you can do is create a restore point once you have everything to your liking or close, so you have some options rather than just doing the factory reset every time.

  • @Shermanbay
    @Shermanbay 3 года назад +23

    As someone who has used and administered computers for over 40 years, I heartily agree and endorse at least 98% of what Rob says here. Dude knows what he says - ignore his advice at your peril!

    • @samljer
      @samljer 2 года назад +3

      ^ 100% This, i been doing this since 3.1 days, and he aint lyin about any of it.

  • @CoverageAwarenessStudio
    @CoverageAwarenessStudio 2 месяца назад +2

    My computer is named ACLU for the American Civil Liberties Union because like you said Rob I had that the malware issue and did all your tips. It works! I also set up multiple computers with the ACLU names including my phone. it's works 100%!!! thank you Rob, much appreciated!

  • @originalbukatv
    @originalbukatv 3 года назад +3

    I wholeheartedly agree with all these tips. I actually have been doing these steps for over a decade and never realized it. This is a very very good video with pretty detailed steps on how to stay more secure. Windows Defender is all you need for day-to-day computer Anti-virus software. Unplugged SSD/Hard drives with your REALLY important files are pretty much unhackable too. Hard drives are super cheap nowadays even a cheap USB stick kept in a lockbox is better than keeping files on our computer.

  • @esepelisa
    @esepelisa 4 года назад +55

    Very concise video with many simple, practical solutions. Thanks a lot!!

  • @elyachiouikhalil
    @elyachiouikhalil 4 года назад +3

    i was setting up my computer this morning and just randomly this video appeared in my suggestions, how fortunate? huh

  • @Liflowcbd
    @Liflowcbd 4 года назад +16

    This is gold . Exactly what I needed to hear.

  • @williamlinington9166
    @williamlinington9166 4 года назад +19

    I have been practicing these guidelines back to the days of Windows 98.

  • @ollicron7397
    @ollicron7397 3 года назад +1

    I stumbled onto your channel by complete luck, and now I'm reinstalling windows with the appropriate security guidelines. Sadly I can't afford to switch from AMD at the moment, but with your help I am more at ease that with your consultancy I am 3x more secure.
    I do it solely because I want to begin a business and I do not want the wrong hands on my stuff. And I learned that the number one antivirus is yourself!
    Windows 11 now requires the use of TPM 2.0 I don't know how secure this is but it shows Microsoft is aware of stepping up its game in security.

  • @mrruhe6717
    @mrruhe6717 4 года назад +13

    Can't thank you enough. Best wishes from Germany, you're helping out so much and you bring so much value!

  • @fotografm
    @fotografm 3 года назад +7

    Great video - I agree with all of those steps and have been doing this for years. Just a tip - I turn off AMT in the BIOS rather than run a program to do this for me. Keep up the great work, Rob !

    • @Buda1701
      @Buda1701 2 года назад +2

      How do you do this?

  • @ikhaatverplichtaanmelden4392
    @ikhaatverplichtaanmelden4392 4 года назад +12

    "You're fine if you don't click any links in emails". "Please download this obscure package in the description". I won't my friend.... you trained me well 😌

    • @Desmog
      @Desmog 3 года назад +1

      Good one!
      Just don't click on unsubscribe link in spam mails. Delete it!!!

    • @flickaJay
      @flickaJay 2 года назад +1

      @@Desmog Shoot! I never thought of that one! But seriously, people WOULD probably do such a thing.

  • @rodee1671
    @rodee1671 2 года назад +1

    You're my hero! Thanks. Was waiting for the reset to finish when i ran across this.

  • @CyberAbyss007
    @CyberAbyss007 4 года назад +11

    Good video. Many miss the AMT feature. As engineer I worked on remote access proof of concept using AMT for a project. Yes, scary.

  • @Shadow25720
    @Shadow25720 5 лет назад +153

    Step1: Install Linux
    Step2: Install a VPN

    • @robbraxmantech
      @robbraxmantech  5 лет назад +105

      Perfect! Except no one will watch my video. LOL

    • @robbraxmantech
      @robbraxmantech  5 лет назад +63

      And make sure you find a zucking computer with Linux compatible drivers....what a pain!

    • @sonnymoon6465
      @sonnymoon6465 5 лет назад +4

      @@robbraxmantech oooh thanks for that. I am about to get a second laptop to train on lenux mint or something. any suggestions which one or what not to buy ? used of course if possible. I always buy the $100 laptops and have been very lucky to be able to use them quite a while though they are temporary.... lost my files multiple times over the years not knowing your 12 steps ! Got it now.

    • @robbraxmantech
      @robbraxmantech  5 лет назад +14

      @@sonnymoon6465 I'm using several Thinkpad T430's. Someone said they bought it for around $100. I paid $200 for each a couple of years ago. Found a nice new reasonably priced Linux Computer - Star Labtop. They are new from the UK, though stocked by Amazon

    • @robbraxmantech
      @robbraxmantech  5 лет назад +7

      @Michael Bishop LOL My newer computers all have no IME AMT/VPRO. But I do have zucked up MACs with IME. I fortunately don't use them much.

  • @Adrien_broner
    @Adrien_broner 3 года назад +2

    Absolutely brilliant. I don't know how I've never come across this channel before but you've earned a new sub!

  • @AirborneEclipse
    @AirborneEclipse 3 месяца назад

    I just bought a 2024 Mac Air and loving it, but going to reset it and start over after seeing this. I’d LOVE an update to this vid, having your Brax3, email system, etc all set up as wisely as possible.

  • @FaireVex
    @FaireVex 4 года назад +13

    Thank you so much for lighting up our minds . We are so thankful for what you're doing for us

  • @Fredjoe5
    @Fredjoe5 4 года назад +7

    A checklist in the links would be great, thanks!

  • @kurtremislettmyr7108
    @kurtremislettmyr7108 3 года назад

    "No script" for Firefox is a really nice add on

  • @twistmint1346
    @twistmint1346 4 года назад +2

    Just circling back through to refresh my memory on your tips before setting up my new computer. Thank you for the video.

  • @Eventidesis
    @Eventidesis 4 года назад +14

    You, sir, are awesome! I just got my new laptop, but I'm going to wait until I have a solid plan of protection. This video couldn't've come at a better time! Subscribed!

  • @buddyadams7105
    @buddyadams7105 4 года назад +11

    Very few youtube videos warrant re-watching and taking notes. This one does.

    • @robbraxmantech
      @robbraxmantech  4 года назад

      Thank you

    • @66thru68veteran
      @66thru68veteran 4 года назад

      @@robbraxmantech Hi Rob, I’m running windows 7 and having problems, bought 10 then realized I had only 17 GB on the Ssd. Ran disk clean up and deleted many photos etc, I now have 20 GB. Should I install the windows 10 or buy a 1T ssd first? I want to save my data?. Thanks for the great info!!

    • @mistyculous9644
      @mistyculous9644 4 года назад +1

      Am thinking we might publish the notes we take in the comments...?

    • @mikejamesw2170
      @mikejamesw2170 3 года назад +1

      @@66thru68veteran Clone to a 1TB-ssd?? Keep old ssd for a 2021 Backup? Best of luck from a non-techie.

    • @flickaJay
      @flickaJay 2 года назад

      @@66thru68veteran Buy the 1T! You won't run out of room very soon.

  • @entiremire3543
    @entiremire3543 5 лет назад +7

    Great information. Took Rob's advice and started a re-install schedule. 👍🏼

    • @robbraxmantech
      @robbraxmantech  5 лет назад +1


    • @sonnymoon6465
      @sonnymoon6465 5 лет назад +1

      yes that is perfect advice. I wondered how to start over. Just need to save the files and do a factory reset and rename everything properly and use a non-admin account called "admin"

  • @richardharker2775
    @richardharker2775 5 лет назад +11

    So much info You now have me nervous. Time to re-evaluate my computer practices. Thank you.

  • @supernova5107
    @supernova5107 4 года назад +3

    Rob this could not be better timing I'm about to buy a new laptop. Thanks for the tips. Keep up the great work.👍

  • @N8oRMusic
    @N8oRMusic 3 года назад

    Since Mac's come with Safari pre-installed is that an issue?

  • @ronaldckrausejr7762
    @ronaldckrausejr7762 3 года назад +1

    Rule number one and by far the most important... If you have Windows; get the device out of administrator mode except for Microsoft only updates. If the device is set up properly/correctly, and then out of administrator mode - there's a 996 chance out of 1000 that you will never have issues with the device.

  • @caressagivens7109
    @caressagivens7109 2 года назад +2

    Thank you so much. Question any tips for Ryzen users? Additionally any suggestions for security when using programs like mid journey/discord, and unity? I am in design school and there are a lot of cool programs we use. Many of them are pulling large data sets and a everything is cloud based. I can use their computers as they are mostly secure but it’s also critical to have a home computer running some of these programs. Thanks!

  • @khoale4755
    @khoale4755 Год назад +1

    Found your video very informative coz I just bought a new comp. I'm not a comp. person, I only surf the Web, watch videos/RUclips etc. Would be good on each topic you had a instruction video on how to perform each of those task. Coz I have already set up my comp. how to I go back and change it? Or do I have to do a factory reset?

  • @jesus.christis.lord.foreve899
    @jesus.christis.lord.foreve899 3 года назад +1

    Set Up New PC
    1) machine name - enter privacy conscious name here
    ex. "pc"
    2) username -name: "user"
    (*) this is the Admin account
    3) create 2nd user name: "Admin"
    no rights
    (*) never use real admin account for regular use
    4) anti virus -don't install one
    use windows defender
    5) realize your computer is temporary
    (*) if your pc becomes slow
    (*) reset to factory and re-install
    keep important files somewhere else not on your computer
    6) set up your email: reccommended: mozilla firefox - thunderbird
    7) privacy badger- detects mal cookies
    8) VPN (check Mr. Brax's reccommended VPN below)
    9) secure boot - listen & decide if you wish this on or off
    10) firewall
    11) security updates auto.
    (but NO to new OS)
    12) turn off AMT access
    For questions you may have...all (almost all) are answered in the video

  • @mikecoxlong5807
    @mikecoxlong5807 4 года назад +52

    "Physical security" means Desert Eagle and AK-47

  • @karthikv4661
    @karthikv4661 2 года назад +1

    Thank you for your information Sir. 👍

  • @dogsareawomansbestfriend
    @dogsareawomansbestfriend 2 года назад

    Getting a computer, messing things up, having to get another, messing it up from trying this and trying that, I have another computer and have listened to your "Stop". I will now go slower instead of jumping ahead to what people say to do!

  • @amaniberserker7715
    @amaniberserker7715 4 года назад +3

    Superb video! Thank you!
    As I started to watch your channel, I am going to be intrested more and more in IT Security. You are a natural teacher.
    I'd have one question: does intel amt setting effect remote desktop softwares (teamviewer, windows remote desktop), or is it another subject?

  • @kaufcw01
    @kaufcw01 2 года назад

    Would be nice to get an updated video on this topic. Thank you!

  • @myhapylife
    @myhapylife 5 лет назад +67

    I wish I saw this years ago.

    • @robbraxmantech
      @robbraxmantech  5 лет назад +25

      while you're in lockdown, start today.

    • @mrruhe6717
      @mrruhe6717 4 года назад +9

      @@robbraxmantech so true, lockdown = time to change!

    • @rdavis782
      @rdavis782 4 года назад

      @@robbraxmantech I am purchasng a linex labtop, do i need to still follow this video

  • @thedestroyerofworlds
    @thedestroyerofworlds 4 года назад +1

    Really love the idea of setting up a user account with the name Admin! 🤣🤣🤣

  • @michaelkrones2815
    @michaelkrones2815 4 года назад

    Win10Pro. I wasn't given the opportunity to create an Admin user with an anonymous name. I reset one of my computers to try to use some of your tips but as soon as the Windows install completed it asked for my Microsoft login. That login became the Admin. It used to be simpler.

  • @joseluisvazquez5126
    @joseluisvazquez5126 Год назад

    Great advice! Thanks!
    As a long time Linux user many points were already taken ctif by the operating system ux design. But the greates takeaways for me are the ephemeral computer idea and physically separating your data from the computer. Many thanks!

  • @JdaPhoeniX9
    @JdaPhoeniX9 4 года назад +4

    Super helpful! Thank you Robert. Keep up the great work 🙏🏾

  • @adobovs271
    @adobovs271 3 года назад +1

    Very informative but I had some difficulties differentiating between advise for Windows and Mac's. Maybe do a couple of followups where the separations of each OS is completely obvious. Thanks. 🖖

  • @paulmorin2234
    @paulmorin2234 3 года назад

    It’s also a good idea when you first get your computer to do a clean install. That way you can get rid of crap where that is part of the install.

  • @archygrey9093
    @archygrey9093 4 года назад +1

    AMT can be turned off in the bios settings on my devices, maybe its different with new machines, one of them even has the the third option to "disable permanently" which when enabled means that you cannot re-enable again even if you wanted to.

  • @keriwilliams4960
    @keriwilliams4960 4 года назад +2

    Such a great video, thanks Rob. I wondered what your take is on email accessed via browser on Gmail's website - any issues with that?

  • @mhzprayer
    @mhzprayer 4 года назад +2

    These are awesome advice about accounts that I also try to tell people. However I think it might be confusing for some that as soon as you told them to create the 2nd account as 'admin' then you start speaking about not using the admin account for anything. Since you have just reversed the roles, an inexperienced viewer might not follow what you mean there. Appreciate your efforts here. Subbed yesterday.

    • @mhzprayer
      @mhzprayer 2 года назад

      @@user-bv1ss5nj9b well there are two types of user accounts on Windows.
      Admin user.
      Standard user.
      These "types" refer to what power they have to install or tamper with software.
      When you first turn on a brand new computer and it starts asking you questions, it is configuring an 'admin' type of account. Later once that's done and you're successfully using that, he's suggesting that you immediately create another user account, this time a 'standard' type. The good advice is to use the 'standard' one for all your day to day work because if you get tricked into clicking on malware it will only have 'standard' access, it won't be able to infiltrate the whole system. It will be contained and can be removed by a higher level account.
      The confusing part was that he suggested to strategically mis-name the two accounts, naming the 'admin' type one as 'User' and the 'standard' type one ad 'Admin'. The goal would be to confuse some unauthorized person who is snooping in your computer because they would naturally target the one called Admin. A waste of time because if they cracked it they would find it's a harmless 'standard' account. But all of that is a lot to keep straight when you're just listening to a summary of it. I thought it was a bit much to brush over it so quickly.

  • @buckshot6481
    @buckshot6481 4 года назад +2

    I agree with everything except windows update. I spent three decades in the business, we turned off or disabled windows updates as it was the #1 source of bog down, creepy slow computers.

  • @margaretwood152
    @margaretwood152 Год назад +1

    Sooooo *_good._* Thanx Braxx ;-)

  • @tutsecret499
    @tutsecret499 4 года назад +1

    You are so charismatic. Charisma is everything even if you don't have Sean Connery's looks.

  • @richellewilshire1094
    @richellewilshire1094 4 года назад +2

    Please specify how and where to buy phones from you, Mr. Rob Braxman. Thank you.

  • @mikefa5891
    @mikefa5891 3 года назад +1

    Resetting the computer to factory settings just 1-2 years later may cause some serious problems because all the drivers are out of date and may crash your pc. So the question is, which software do you recomment to automatically update all of the drivers in the computer?

    • @flickaJay
      @flickaJay 2 года назад

      Good question. Just do the reset more often. It sounds like Rob does. I'm glad you brought it up because I might have gone longer.

  • @adamwalker8173
    @adamwalker8173 3 года назад +1

    Does all this information apply today for new computers. Is window defender still good as a solo antivirus for todays computer.

  • @aiden8831
    @aiden8831 3 года назад +1

    Wow great video man, this really helps and it also really shows how knowledgeable you are of computers and security. Thanks a lot

  • @dirkbaumann9398
    @dirkbaumann9398 4 года назад +2

    Do you have an instructional video on how to set up a tor connection from beginning to end. I do not have a new computer can I still make the changes as if I had a new computer with the suggestions in your video ? Thank You for your videos and for sharing your knowledge. Best Regards, Dirk

  • @mrcleanisin
    @mrcleanisin Год назад

    At 4:15 you suggested logging in daily using a nonuser account, so is the remaining advice you present to be applied while in the guest mode or the real user mode?

  • @cjc363636
    @cjc363636 4 года назад

    Mr. Braxman, it took me years to figure out not to put my actual name on my PC. Now it's just a random name. Reason was I was uploading files to a cloud storage and I noticed the full path to the document contained MY USER NAME. So my computer and my accounts are now very generic. Thanks for calling attention to this! (And the other tips.) New subscriber.

  • @mike9119
    @mike9119 Год назад +1

    Thoughts on Tutanota email?

  • @CarmenGarcia-bb6lm
    @CarmenGarcia-bb6lm 2 года назад +1

    I always put others name when I sign out for computers or others devices or when you fill information online that it doesn’t need to be identified as you really name, I created a second email address for no important things I want to sign out online, so like this my real name and personal information is not compromise

  • @royalelee7513
    @royalelee7513 4 года назад +1

    @ 8:12 "If it's that time of year", what exactly do you mean by that statement?
    And thanks for sharing your knowledge and giving advice to people like me that need it!

    • @Grey_World1
      @Grey_World1 4 года назад

      He regularly starts fresh by effectively resetting and reinstalling everything so any possible Malware or problems are fixed.

  • @ryanqvincent144
    @ryanqvincent144 2 года назад

    This is excellent advice! Your advice is quite correct to do this before installing any applications. Just thoughts: Can people test that what they are doing as regards these protections are useful? Clue: There are companies that test whether your pc is vulnerable when on the internet.
    They provide free automated tests that will not compromise you but will provide clues where there may be vulnerabilities. You may have to pay for the detailed report. However, imo, it is worthwhile doing at least a few times with various setups so that you know were the issues are. Especially after all the standard application that you use are loaded.
    It does provide 'peace of mind' and you can find out what the rest of the world can find out about you when online.
    Have you ever covered this? Just curious.

  • @lckoolg622
    @lckoolg622 3 года назад +1

    Thank you Rob, some tips I never knew about will be implemented.

  • @ayongkao6940
    @ayongkao6940 4 года назад +2

    Hi Mr. Braxman, do you do paid consultation? I would like to revamp my security protocols.

  • @elfpuncher
    @elfpuncher 2 года назад

    Has anything in this video changed as far as things you would do? Thunderbird, privacy badger, etc.? Any better options developed since you made this video?
    Also, do you need to set up these items as an admin and your 2nd user or just admin?
    Thanks for putting this together

  • @DanLow
    @DanLow 2 года назад +1

    I listened to the first 5 minutes of this video and I'm still confused about the user names I have to create. Since I'm a tech-newbie I'm sure many would also love a clearer explanation concerning this issue. Thank you for the info! Can any viewers help clarify this if you understand what Rob is asying?

    • @robbraxmantech
      @robbraxmantech  2 года назад +1

      It's really simple. Do not use a real name. Do not use a name to suggest "admin" is admin.

  • @bobbyblack3976
    @bobbyblack3976 3 года назад +2

    Rob: Loved this video. I just purchased a new computer and I wanted to set it up the right way - so I was led to this video. I have a question regarding Thunderbird. For some strange reason, I cannot use Thunderbird on my computer; compatibility issues with Spectrum. So, my question is: What about EM Client as an alternative?

    • @flickaJay
      @flickaJay 2 года назад

      Oh, Thanks! I have the same company for my ISP and was wondering why my new Tbird acct wouldn't work.

  • @snagglesmagoo2750
    @snagglesmagoo2750 3 года назад +1

    Best video I've watched on the subject. Thank you.

  • @SteveOfTheMountains
    @SteveOfTheMountains 4 года назад +1

    Great Info. Also, just saw Chris Titus tech video on debloting windows. You guys are heros of the new age.

  • @twistmint1346
    @twistmint1346 5 лет назад +2

    Great one “stop video” reference of tips for anyone setting up a new computer or doing the so called “nuke and pave”.

  • @lanastrouse6736
    @lanastrouse6736 4 года назад +1

    Hello Rob, do you make desk top computers for sale? If so what price ranges? I am not a gamer. thanks

  • @jerseyjim9092
    @jerseyjim9092 4 года назад +2

    Great tips for setting up my new laptop. When I install a VPN, Chrome or other programs, do I install them thru my admin account. I heard you say to do it for software but wasn't sure if that included downloads. I'm new to win10 and the separate accounts thing so I'd like to get started off right. .

    • @flickaJay
      @flickaJay 2 года назад +1

      You'll have to give permission when asked by the software that you've decided to download. A lot of times your PC will only ask, with a dialog box, "do you want to allow _______ (such and such a program) to make changes to your computer"? That's a "yes" answer after you take a quick look and see that it is asking about the software or app you wanted. Usually to actually install and/or run the software (application) you will be asked for your Admin password. You don't have to be on the Admin acct though. There is a difference though when you want to download and install updates for the OS (Operating System). You have to manually log in to the Admin acct.

  • @mano52
    @mano52 4 года назад

    u are the only youtuber who talks about this important topic, thank you, we need to keep our devices free of Microsoft and google spying and stuff like this

    • @robbraxmantech
      @robbraxmantech  4 года назад +4

      Glad you realize that! My channel is a bit different

  • @CheckTesting1
    @CheckTesting1 2 года назад

    …as always, brilliant vid. Have a very blessed weekend 🙏🏾

  • @HighSpeedNoDrag
    @HighSpeedNoDrag 4 года назад

    This guy reminds me of a wildly popular Adjunct Professor back in the day and Okla State Univ (circa 1988). The A.P. when against the grain and the higher ups frowned upon him.

  • @ambilaevus7607
    @ambilaevus7607 4 года назад

    Just got a new machine. Good timing.

  • @davidmcivor2761
    @davidmcivor2761 2 года назад

    Great video & such sensible advice, my question is can these changes be made retrospectively/now without having to do a factory reset?

  • @sailor7025
    @sailor7025 4 года назад +1

    Hey Rob! As always,great content - really like the directive sarcasm too..."STOP!, don't enter your real name". 😁

    • @flickaJay
      @flickaJay 2 года назад

      I know and the comment that you don't need to obey you computer. LOL That's so funny but seriously sad. I'm constantly trying to get people to stop obeying everything that websites tell them to do or when on the phone and a compoany offers you something. Don't just say 'yes' ask questions. Say no! you can usually change your answer. Right?

  • @LeChuckize
    @LeChuckize 5 лет назад +3

    You are dope.
    Its not like i didn't know about most of the stuff, but especially the part about naming my computer helped me.
    Godspeed and carry on your mission

  • @suleckiew
    @suleckiew 2 года назад

    Just used this today, thanks Rob!

  • @murtu94
    @murtu94 4 месяца назад

    I have an array of various bootable USB Flash drives loaded with beautiful FOSS. One of these has a pre-setuo MX Linux with all software, incl GUFW, already setup up. I don't connect the new laptop to the internet, though. The first time I switch it on, I go into BIOS / UEFI and boot into MX Linux, from where I delete all SSD partitions, create new ones and format /boot as ext4, / as ZFS, /home as BTRFS and SWAP=RAM, if

  • @michaeljavert4635
    @michaeljavert4635 6 месяцев назад

    The first thing I do is I start pruning it, lika a bonsai tree, and getting Edge out of there and locking the folder so it doesn't get back in there.

  • @wambamcamcam
    @wambamcamcam 4 года назад +2

    I love your videos, Rob. Keep em' coming! I hope to be at your next live video.

  • @tonycstech
    @tonycstech 3 года назад

    I wipe my computers on a regular basis too.
    I use cmd script to install everything I need and saved registry files to make needed changes with the same cmd script all at once without the need to do anything manually.

  • @whiskeyandagyro3135
    @whiskeyandagyro3135 3 года назад +2

    Don't leave your computer always connected to the internet

  • @StarNumbers
    @StarNumbers 4 года назад +1

    Excuse me, but my laptop does not come with the Win 10 (license) in a separate package. So, how do I reinstall from scratch? Not by buying a new OS. Unlike a mobile phone, Windows does not tell me how to reboot my PC to my factory settings to start all over.

  • @JimmyNines
    @JimmyNines 4 года назад +2

    Hey Rob, what's your opinion on Win 10 Ameliorated? Been using it for about a year, it reminds me of nLite/vLite back in the day where you can strip out the garbage and run an "OS" instead of a suite.

    • @MF-le7fp
      @MF-le7fp 2 года назад

      Guess he's not so happy with this particular question...seeing as it's been over a year now, with no reply. Oh well.

  • @imperiumcommentingnetwork4677
    @imperiumcommentingnetwork4677 4 года назад

    Theres Also Pinebook and Pinebook Pro, as well as Pinephone and Raspberry Pi. You can always have a custom PC built for you as well. (If you need more "Unlimited Power" than a Pi or Pinebook Pro allows for, but don't need as much portability.)

  • @5DimesPlayer
    @5DimesPlayer 5 месяцев назад

    I know this an old video, but i had a question about using a standard user account on Windows. Lets say you did run a piece of malware but it was designed with privilege escalation. Could it in theory infect the PC and escape and spread throughout the entire system?

  • @RandyWHorton
    @RandyWHorton 5 лет назад +2

    Enjoyed the video Rob✌️

  • @pineappleroad
    @pineappleroad 3 года назад

    ive discovered that there is a way to force windows 10 to always require a password at the admin prompt, even for admin accounts, but this option is only avalable for the Pro version
    (and there is also a way of setting the pro version to always require the user to actually type out their username at the login screen, athough it seems to me to be more like an unintended feature that stuck around rather than an intended one, as the actual purpose behind that setting is so that domain joined computers wont display the username of the last person that used it, but if the setting is turned on for non domain joined computers, it will default to the username and password boxes on the login screen)

  • @lb5480
    @lb5480 3 года назад +1

    Is this still correct for November 2021 or do you have a newer video?

  • @fingling8
    @fingling8 3 года назад

    Okay, so with my first two Macbooks Pro, I hadn't watched this vid. Nor with my iPhone. Is there any point now in resetting to factory settings, since they know my i.d. from my previous follies?