
New Member
Aug 2, 2022
And when are they getting some updates pray tell? The fact this question even needs to be asked is bad enough. It's as if there isn't enough gay furry games out there.

I do want to make some clarifications(I'm one of the developers on the team). There is actually a wider spread of content than it seems, but there are some unfortunate issues when trying to navigate the game. For example, there's no way to see what kind of content an enemy or npc supports, and that makes it frustrating for some players when seeking content they care about. There are some features such as warding/banning to filter out content, and it definitely helps, but it's not the best solution (in my opinion) and I am working on some ways to help fix that issue. Idealy, we'd want to give the player ways to see the kinds of content in the area, perhaps on a npc/creature as well, so that the player has a clear idea of what interacting with the np/creature will yield. We still need to assess the feasibility of this feature, which will happen soon, but if it's feasible i'm hoping to get development for it locked into the schedule i'm currently working on since that kind of feature would be best implemented before porting content in full force.

The other issue is that we do appear to have a bias toward male on male content, even if it may not be as large as publicly perceived. Material written is typically done on commission, so the players who commission content have a great influence on the ratio of content types that get updates. We've done polls and have seen this bias of preferences, though we may be due for an update on that statistic. Hopefully this will not be as much of an issue for players of different preferences once the player has a bit more control over what content they can pursue.


Engaged Member
Jan 29, 2019
I do want to make some clarifications(I'm one of the developers on the team). There is actually a wider spread of content than it seems, but there are some unfortunate issues when trying to navigate the game. For example, there's no way to see what kind of content an enemy or npc supports, and that makes it frustrating for some players when seeking content they care about. There are some features such as warding/banning to filter out content, and it definitely helps, but it's not the best solution (in my opinion) and I am working on some ways to help fix that issue. Idealy, we'd want to give the player ways to see the kinds of content in the area, perhaps on a npc/creature as well, so that the player has a clear idea of what interacting with the np/creature will yield. We still need to assess the feasibility of this feature, which will happen soon, but if it's feasible i'm hoping to get development for it locked into the schedule i'm currently working on since that kind of feature would be best implemented before porting content in full force.

The other issue is that we do appear to have a bias toward male on male content, even if it may not be as large as publicly perceived. Material written is typically done on commission, so the players who commission content have a great influence on the ratio of content types that get updates. We've done polls and have seen this bias of preferences, though we may be due for an update on that statistic. Hopefully this will not be as much of an issue for players of different preferences once the player has a bit more control over what content they can pursue.
Content indicator/finder sounds great! But is it worked under current engine? Or for the new Godot?
Moreove, how fare your development on the Godot port?
I feel the current engine is too outdated, Quality of Life features might not be easy to develop.

Also, let's be real. These complainers won't stop, because that's not a "your game problem".
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Dec 20, 2021
Can anyone tell me is there any way to fast search characters/events in github? Or there is no other way than check every author and their content hoping you find the character you are looking for?

By the way where I can find more info about the Harem Master feat?


Active Member
Sep 8, 2019
Can anyone tell me is there any way to fast search characters/events in github? Or there is no other way than check every author and their content hoping you find the character you are looking for?
Github's search is so broken that it's basically useless.

You're better off grabbing a copy of the source (either using the "Download ZIP" link or fetching the git repository) and using something like to search through the project directory on your PC.
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Mar 16, 2018
If I could ask, Wolframm, would it be possible for someone to update the wiki on the singleplayer side to account for all information on the game? I find it important, as it's the best "filter" of content, as everyone is able to just find what they want through the wiki tags. Flexible Survival, as well as other notable games, such as CoC, TiTS, LT etc. suffer on not having an up-to-date wiki; games as big and wide as these, I would say require a wiki, especially when they are text-based. My suggestion and request would be for someone to catalogue and fill out characters, encounters, and all important and less important pieces of the game, which have multiplied through the years.

I understand my previous comments might have seemed rude and hostile, but really, with the berth of the game and amount of characters, I am both dissatisfied with the kind of content I personally want, AND also think that those who are happy with the content present, will find it difficult to navigate the game at its current size, without the aid of the wiki; Especially if it's a text game with hyperllinks, which already presents a big obstacles for newer players, and younger players (+18 of course) who have not played this type of text games.

The issue of clarity of what content is available, and digging through unwanted content as well as UI and navigation/battle system might not be worthwhile to many newer players, whether it's those wanting m/f content or m/m content being of second importance.
If your goal is to increase your audience and draw in more players and paying supporters, I believe you and the team would do wise to heed my notes; if, however, you would rather focus on the followers you already have, then I still believe it would do well to increase the clarity of what is available, to at least differentiate from what already was.

All in all, continue good work and whatever the paying supporters want.

Don't be a fool.
I am the fool, full of foolery and fullest of tomfoolery, foo. Fookin right I am.
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Reactions: Evizzy89


Jul 23, 2021
If I could ask, Wolframm, would it be possible for someone to update the wiki on the singleplayer side to account for all information on the game? I find it important, as it's the best "filter" of content, as everyone is able to just find what they want through the wiki tags. Flexible Survival, as well as other notable games, such as CoC, TiTS, LT etc. suffer on not having an up-to-date wiki; games as big and wide as these, I would say require a wiki, especially when they are text-based. My suggestion and request would be for someone to catalogue and fill out characters, encounters, and all important and less important pieces of the game, which have multiplied through the years.

I understand my previous comments might have seemed rude and hostile, but really, with the berth of the game and amount of characters, I am both dissatisfied with the kind of content I personally want, AND also think that those who are happy with the content present, will find it difficult to navigate the game at its current size, without the aid of the wiki; Especially if it's a text game with hyperllinks, which already presents a big obstacles for newer players, and younger players (+18 of course) who have not played this type of text games.

The issue of clarity of what content is available, and digging through unwanted content as well as UI and navigation/battle system might not be worthwhile to many newer players, whether it's those wanting m/f content or m/m content being of second importance.
If your goal is to increase your audience and draw in more players and paying supporters, I believe you and the team would do wise to heed my notes; if, however, you would rather focus on the followers you already have, then I still believe it would do well to increase the clarity of what is available, to at least differentiate from what already was.

All in all, continue good work and whatever the paying supporters want.

I am the fool, full of foolery and fullest of tomfoolery, foo. Fookin right I am.
Okay~ past is past.

About wiki i agree for once.
If i don't search in GitHub about roman quest, i wouldn't know about it what should I do next.
Wait.. then who was the one update wiki in the first place?
I don't remember anymore


Jun 6, 2019
Okay~ past is past.

About wiki i agree for once.
If i don't search in GitHub about roman quest, i wouldn't know about it what should I do next.
Wait.. then who was the one update wiki in the first place?
I don't remember anymore
Anyone can update the wiki. The problem is (unless it's been changed) getting permission involves making a character in the multiplayer game version and using a command. Might have been a good idea when the multiplayer game was more popular but its more of a detriment now to those who are only interested in the single player game.


Mar 4, 2017
New update's out, but something about blogspot's terms of service means that the changelog has been hidden, requiring you to sign in to view it. I would sign in and post the changelog but I 'aint connecting to my google account to anything if I can help it.

Mar 1, 2018

While exploring the museum, you may encounter a hunting party taunting their prey, a gryphon with a rather unique appearance. Should you save him, he will join you at the library. Though he is grateful for you rescuing him, his pride may cause some issues should you wish to be the dominant partner during sex. Currently only player-submissive scenes are available, with player-dominant scenes soon to come. [Prometheus]
Bastet: The sexy lioness's content has been expanded, adding more options to get to know her better. Among those is a talk option to learn about her history, and an option to take her out to the food court to grab a bite to eat. Each of these contains choices in how you want to react to what she says/does, which will gain you approval or ire from Bastet. [Wahn]
Belliandra: The Arena Master has her first potential pupil, Blanche! As long as Blanche is accompanying you (and enought ime has passed between training sessions), the cat woman can teach her how to better fight and defend herself (raising her level). More people will be able to make use of this service over time. (Requires access to Station 69.) [Prometheus]
Karen: Karen has gained some neat artwork to show off her body, pink collar and all. [Wahn]
Nermine: There's new content for after you obtain a bondage harness for Nermine in the jackalman quest path. As part of her sex menu, you can now ask her if she has any special "fun" gear and items, which will lead you both to a second backroom of the store. There, Nermine can be tied up on a St. Andrew's Cross and teased in bondage. So far, there's one scene option of worshiping her breasts, with more to come in the future. [Wahn]
Sascha: Sascha's been getting up to some exciting things while you've been away from him. Why don't you keep him company while the heat dies down? (Event changes based on what you did with him in Wild Kitty. Don't worry, you'll be able to explore other options later!) [Voidsnaps]
Segis: If the dragon android has been augmented with the lactation function, it is now possible to drink from his chest. Doing so will sate your thirst and hunger somewhat, especially if the Extra Milky add-on is installed. [Gherod]
Snapjaw: The massive sharkman in Snapjaw Beach Camp now has a few walk-in events, the second leading into unlocking a new sex scene where you can worship his body. [Gherod]
Sylvia: The college campus's best border collie has posed for some nice and sexy pictures for you to enjoy. [Wahn]
Vincent: The content with vincent the fox has been expanded, including adding a "Trust" system to him, which tracks how much the wary guy will open up to you. This depends on how you treat him, so if you want trust, don't be an asshole. Further additions are a talk option to introduce Vincent to everyone else in the library, and the option of offering him bottled orc cum to drink. There's also a new option in his sex menu, which has you giving him a blowjob. [Wahn]
Ziix and Zant: Two wasp brothers added along with their hive! Current options include becoming king (work in progress. Will later involve pregnancy.) exiling Ziix (work in progress) and spending time with the waspy hunks! Find the new navpoint by hunting for Draconic Ruckus in the Capitol District! [Voidsnaps]

Bug Fixes:

In the scenes for taking Ares for a walk, he should now properly serve as a combat companion.
Fang: Male Alpha Fang will no longer have three testicles when imported. Hopefully this should not affect semen production.
Tobias: Tobias was missing a huge chunk of writing! Sorry for the inconvenience, he should no longer timeskip...
Last edited:
Mar 1, 2018
New update's out, but something about blogspot's terms of service means that the changelog has been hidden, requiring you to sign in to view it. I would sign in and post the changelog but I 'aint connecting to my google account to anything if I can help it.

I haven't had to sign in, but I've posted the changelog above.
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Engaged Member
Jan 29, 2019

While exploring the museum, you may encounter a hunting party taunting their prey, a gryphon with a rather unique appearance. Should you save him, he will join you at the library. Though he is grateful for you rescuing him, his pride may cause some issues should you wish to be the dominant partner during sex. Currently only player-submissive scenes are available, with player-dominant scenes soon to come. [Prometheus]
Bastet: The sexy lioness's content has been expanded, adding more options to get to know her better. Among those is a talk option to learn about her history, and an option to take her out to the food court to grab a bite to eat. Each of these contains choices in how you want to react to what she says/does, which will gain you approval or ire from Bastet. [Wahn]
Belliandra: The Arena Master has her first potential pupil, Blanche! As long as Blanche is accompanying you (and enought ime has passed between training sessions), the cat woman can teach her how to better fight and defend herself (raising her level). More people will be able to make use of this service over time. (Requires access to Station 69.) [Prometheus]
Karen: Karen has gained some neat artwork to show off her body, pink collar and all. [Wahn]
Nermine: There's new content for after you obtain a bondage harness for Nermine in the jackalman quest path. As part of her sex menu, you can now ask her if she has any special "fun" gear and items, which will lead you both to a second backroom of the store. There, Nermine can be tied up on a St. Andrew's Cross and teased in bondage. So far, there's one scene option of worshiping her breasts, with more to come in the future. [Wahn]
Sascha: Sascha's been getting up to some exciting things while you've been away from him. Why don't you keep him company while the heat dies down? (Event changes based on what you did with him in Wild Kitty. Don't worry, you'll be able to explore other options later!) [Voidsnaps]
Segis: If the dragon android has been augmented with the lactation function, it is now possible to drink from his chest. Doing so will sate your thirst and hunger somewhat, especially if the Extra Milky add-on is installed. [Gherod]
Snapjaw: The massive sharkman in Snapjaw Beach Camp now has a few walk-in events, the second leading into unlocking a new sex scene where you can worship his body. [Gherod]
Sylvia: The college campus's best border collie has posed for some nice and sexy pictures for you to enjoy. [Wahn]
Vincent: The content with vincent the fox has been expanded, including adding a "Trust" system to him, which tracks how much the wary guy will open up to you. This depends on how you treat him, so if you want trust, don't be an asshole. Further additions are a talk option to introduce Vincent to everyone else in the library, and the option of offering him bottled orc cum to drink. There's also a new option in his sex menu, which has you giving him a blowjob. [Wahn]
Ziix and Zant: Two wasp brothers added along with their hive! Current options include becoming king (work in progress. Will later involve pregnancy.) exiling Ziix (work in progress) and spending time with the waspy hunks! Find the new navpoint by hunting for Draconic Ruckus in the Capitol District! [Voidsnaps]

Bug Fixes:

In the scenes for taking Ares for a walk, he should now properly serve as a combat companion.
Fang: Male Alpha Fang will no longer have three testicles when imported. Hopefully this should not affect semen production.
Tobias: Tobias was missing a huge chunk of writing! Sorry for the inconvenience, he should no longer timeskip...
Did you put a wrong link? It linked to nowhere.
But when I just open the main page ( ) it works fine.
Definitely doesn't need to sign into anything.
Mar 1, 2018
New update's out, but something about blogspot's terms of service means that the changelog has been hidden, requiring you to sign in to view it. I would sign in and post the changelog but I 'aint connecting to my google account to anything if I can help it.

It apparently was flagged due to exposed breasts. This has since been fixed.


Jun 17, 2018
There any way to get svetlana to the library? I want her as a her, but want "him" as a follower.


Active Member
Sep 19, 2019
I keep having my game frozen and crashed whenever I tried to import progress. Anyone got an idea why and how to fix it?


May 13, 2023
Where can I find the old version (January & February) installer? I installed the new version without exporting the save file :cry:


Active Member
Oct 16, 2017
Where can I find the old version (January & February) installer? I installed the new version without exporting the save file :cry:
You only need the installer once, I'm guessing you are asking for the game file right? Which month do you need?
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