Solo Camping 24 Hours In A Floating Tent

  • Опубликовано: 24 мар 2025
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Комментарии • 1,2 тыс.

  • @thegame1496
    @thegame1496 Год назад +163

    Mav is quite simply the coolest man in the world. Even when things seem sketchy. He flashes that smile and rides it out. You’re amazing and we all thank you for this content.

  • @KingJerbear
    @KingJerbear Год назад +415

    Crazy how this man just keeps coming up with new ideas! Imagine those dudes just casually going for an evening fishing session to roll up on a floating campsite, lol.

    • @oldgrandpa1758
      @oldgrandpa1758 Год назад +16

      Steve did this already so more like recycled idea

    • @alexl710
      @alexl710 Год назад +5

      Shhh it’s still quite time in the camp ground

    • @boskone
      @boskone Год назад +4

      You could really throw someone by having a floating campfire, too. Like a micro-pontoon or something.

    • @rosew3825
      @rosew3825 Год назад +4

      ​@@oldgrandpa1758 not really

    • @bishyeahbish3758
      @bishyeahbish3758 Год назад +3

      People have been doing this for years there's loads of videos of it all over yt from ages ago.

  • @kat13man
    @kat13man Год назад +68

    Going down some rapids in the floating tent would take Mav to a whole new level.

  • @chamby42
    @chamby42 Год назад +12

    The floating tents like this one that ive priced out also come with floating dock that goes inside the tent. gives more support for youself and any gear you have inside the tent with you.

  • @SaxanhThach
    @SaxanhThach Год назад +26

    Your motto has been getting me through these tough months as of lately. I know it's something small but it's a great affirmation to live by when you are feeling down. My usual motto is "just keep swimming" but lately I've been saying, "keep on trucking" and I've been doing just that! Thanks Mav. Stay safe out there

  • @imanjoseph612
    @imanjoseph612 Год назад +65

    I was so worried about you doing the floating tent, but when you said your friend was there, I was relieved. It's great that while you have the most unique adventures, you think about safety as well!

  • @JayArr
    @JayArr Год назад +25

    What a wonderful friend you have there Mav. He's waiting by himself in case anything goes south. He has my appreciation.

  • @Rose-kp4ow
    @Rose-kp4ow Год назад +37

    Mav sold me on never wanting to camp in a floating tent 😂

  • @BranicX
    @BranicX Год назад +419

    Another design flaw is that if you zip up the do you get out if it starts to sink in the middle of the night.

    • @L-2K
      @L-2K Год назад +63

      yep, the water pressure would just trap you inside that tarp. Theres no way escaping that..

    • @nathanjohnson2767
      @nathanjohnson2767 Год назад +10

      I was thinking the exact same thing 😅

    • @TexaSteven
      @TexaSteven Год назад +62

      I’d have to sleep with a knife attached to my leg like a diver does so hopefully you don’t panic and are able to cut your way out.

    • @philliesphanatic6020
      @philliesphanatic6020 Год назад +8

      Yeah that's pretty sketchy

    • @patriciatatich3014
      @patriciatatich3014 Год назад +10

      Yikes…that trapped feeling…not for me…maybe in a pool wouldn’t be bad…for a couple of hours as a getaway.

  • @HashNotHate
    @HashNotHate Год назад +3

    Your music taste never ceases to amaze me, Paramore Is legendary!

  • @e4t662
    @e4t662 Год назад +35

    Ya know how people become great people, Mav's parents.

  • @MrMusicadkinson
    @MrMusicadkinson Год назад +6

    Mav-that is too cool!!! I love your channel. Just stumbled on it one day about a year ago and have thoroughly enjoyed your videos. Keep it up, man.

  • @smalltownhomesteadAC
    @smalltownhomesteadAC Год назад +27

    I’ve never seen Mav so nervous of his sleeping arrangements! I’d be freaking out also!

  • @dollylehman1247
    @dollylehman1247 Год назад +8

    Well that was interesting and glad it all worked out for you.
    I think you should do a camp night in a tree house while preparing a fantastic meal for yourself.

  • @PTron96
    @PTron96 Год назад +9

    Proud of you man, been watching since you started your channel when you were in Alex Peric's videos. Its no surprise that you have come so far !

  • @ClairenParkerontheRoad
    @ClairenParkerontheRoad Год назад +5

    Now I want to go do that. Very cool.

  • @bahamajim1998
    @bahamajim1998 Год назад +5

    I rarely ever sleep good when camping 🏕️
    That tent looks like a lot of fun !!!

  • @Fat2Fit5k
    @Fat2Fit5k Год назад +9

    These Mav videos always bring a smile to my face and joy to my day

  • @Viperlover-cw2qx
    @Viperlover-cw2qx Год назад +75

    I think it's a cool idea, but my biggest problem with it is the the door. If you want to keep insects out you need to close it, but if you do and the thing somehow flips over you could be in trouble, even if it's still floating. I know it's not the most likely thing to happen, but it's a possibility nonetheless and that'd be too much for me if I'm on the water.

    • @moretrash4you
      @moretrash4you Год назад +43

      Imo The biggest problem is if it deflates while you are deep asleep it instantly becomes a body bag…

    • @Viperlover-cw2qx
      @Viperlover-cw2qx Год назад

      @laska907 that's definitely a big one

    • @natewrites7803
      @natewrites7803 Год назад +5

      Agreed. No way would I camp in that. Unsafe. Ice fishing shack on solid ice, sure, but this? Nope.

    • @mufasta8322
      @mufasta8322 Год назад +6

      Definitely needs to keep a sharp pocket knife on his person.

    • @ProFriend
      @ProFriend Год назад +6

      It's a bad design top to bottom. First, the flotation section should have multiple air chambers to prevent it from sinking if one encounters a sharp rock/stick/fishing hook. Second - bad window design. Who puts windows in a tent anyway? Third, it needs a more rigid floor, like a folding multi-panel thing. It could also use a few inflatable sections in the bottom to isolate you from cold water. Fourth, no screens on the openings. Sure not worth $600 to put your life at risk.

  • @D4NNY98.
    @D4NNY98. Год назад +3

    Definitely the best clothing line I’ve seen in yt

  • @montyollie
    @montyollie Год назад +7

    The drone shots were incredible!

  • @Joan-ph2es
    @Joan-ph2es Год назад +2

    Makes me appreciate Steve's and Crazy Neighbor's homemade pontoon boat even more. I'd feel much more secure when it comes to cooking and sleeping and navigating. Interesting experiment though.

  • @rbsd952
    @rbsd952 Год назад +7

    Mav!! I'm new to your channel and I must say no one does outdoor activities better than you man. Keep doing what you're doing. 🔥👍🏾

  • @maximjohns
    @maximjohns Год назад

    Good afternoon. I was very pleased with the video. The inflatable house can be used both on the water and on land, conveniently and comfortably. Thank you Mav and as always you are super!!! The lake is very beautiful. Hugs to you!!!!😍💓💓💓💋

  • @PrplAngl
    @PrplAngl Год назад +5

    I'd like to see you camp on land in it, maybe do your own design since this one had major issues!! Looks fun, I think good for early morning fishing 🎣 then napping 😂

  • @simonehunter2509
    @simonehunter2509 Год назад +2

    The Tent ⛺ LOOKS cool! 👍

  • @michaelstanfield7530
    @michaelstanfield7530 Год назад +6

    To make the floor a bit more walkable A small rounded over piece of ply could serve you well
    I'd try camping a few feet in the water with a small bridge to it or next to a floating dock.
    I enjoy your content, keep it up!

  • @jaimegordon242
    @jaimegordon242 Год назад +39

    I would love to see this in action with Steve and Crazy Neighbor when/if they do their week long river trip again. Thanks for another great video!

    • @Ryan_D1994
      @Ryan_D1994 Год назад +5

      I was thinking the same thing 😂

    • @georgejackson7752
      @georgejackson7752 Год назад +1

      I would say it would definitely be exciting I would say they would be swimming to shore or a soe call one would love to see it for sure

    • @saginawdan
      @saginawdan Год назад +1

      With Crazy Neighbor breaking his hip, it might be a long time before they do another river trip.😮

    • @searcher3x
      @searcher3x Год назад

      Yeah, I was thinking we need an official ruling from Steve. I trust Mav's opinions and everything but I'm going to need a second opinion on this one.

    • @sheilaathay2034
      @sheilaathay2034 Год назад +1

      No way man. They are way too accident prone😂❤

  • @michaelwork5893
    @michaelwork5893 Год назад +1

    As a lifetime boater! Use a extension cord spool from Home Depot to wrap your anchor rope up and it will save you all the headaches of tangled rope!

  • @thomasbrogan8036
    @thomasbrogan8036 Год назад +3

    I bet that idea looked soo good on paper 😊
    Bravo Mav !

  • @TJK50014
    @TJK50014 Год назад +3

    on the next episode, Mav goes camping in an actual kids bounce house, while on the water. Get the castle one with huge slides. :) (also, cook fire on a plastic bubble island...what could go wrong) lol

  • @carloscervantes3023
    @carloscervantes3023 Год назад +3

    Mav, I don't know anything about fishing, cooking, or traveling. But I enjoy your videos brother 🤙🏼 They give off a very therapeutic vibe and I appreciate the way you share your trips with us. Keep on truckin 🙌🏼😎

  • @mylittlesuperhero581
    @mylittlesuperhero581 Год назад +22

    I honestly felt way better about this when you said you have a friend on shore just in case.

  • @peterjensen6844
    @peterjensen6844 Год назад +3

    This has some old school Mav vibes.

  • @Wfwi
    @Wfwi Год назад +2

    Great video! I like to see you mention some of the precautions you take, your buddy camping near by. Might save some one that decides to try these types of things.

  • @dwilliamsnz
    @dwilliamsnz Год назад +4

    Hey Mav, I'd highly recommend the Nemo Fillo fior a camping pillow! it packs a bit larger than the others but is so so comfortable and I can't imagine using anything else anymore

  • @MegaRetr
    @MegaRetr Год назад +1

    These Mav videos always bring a smile to my face and joy

  • @Flowergurl2000
    @Flowergurl2000 Год назад +53

    I wanna see an inflatable tent on a frozen lake.

  • @lindapetersen1800
    @lindapetersen1800 Год назад

    MAV Hey there !!! That is something !!! Always wanted to stay out on the lake in a pontoon boat close that baby in with refrigerator toilet bed in the screened in area !!! On the end would be the motor but off to the side the grill for COOKING !!! Can always shower on the other end of the pontoon boat in the rain or jump into the water !!! That is retirement for me !!! Going around the lake would have been GRAND for me !!! Love the things you do on this channel!!! Keep ON TRUCKEN

  • @Thetouchofeb
    @Thetouchofeb Год назад +2

    I enjoyed this. Love the inflatable tent. I would like to see you go Camping with a Hot Tent

  • @Lagniappeson
    @Lagniappeson Год назад +4

    some kind of "peice together" flooring, I think, would be ideal. It's just something to give you a little more confidence with that tent. All in all, it seems like that is a product that you get what you pay for. With every floating section being connected means that one pin hole can ruin the whole trip. It needs to be constructed like one of those rental bounce house companies, and then I would have a bit of confidence in it.

  • @sandras.3560
    @sandras.3560 Год назад +1

    Mav, I dont know if someone already mentioned, if so sorry.
    You said that the seam was stitched once and then opened up again, what left holes in the material. But these holes are tracks of the loom, they come from the webbing process. If you buy a fabric from the roll you will always find those zickzack lined holes on the side of the fabric. So your swimming tent is not made of reopened sews or seams, its just good sewn material

  • @randall6890
    @randall6890 Год назад +4

    Hi Mav, your camping videos in the snow are epic and I hope you keep it up! I’m still waiting for a camping trip to Alaska to see the northern lights. Now that would be an epic video!

  • @mariovinson3378
    @mariovinson3378 Год назад +1

    That paramore song in the beginning Mav, great song selection

  • @dsmith6785
    @dsmith6785 Год назад +75

    OMG, I would have camped in 6 feet of water, had a life jacket nearby, worn a sheathed Bowie knife to my leg and prayed for no lightening storm! Man, Mav, you must be a 🐱 with nine lives! 😂

    • @rebeccavalicoff1581
      @rebeccavalicoff1581 Год назад +2


    • @pbtraveler694
      @pbtraveler694 Год назад


    • @rtyria
      @rtyria Год назад +4

      More like 3 feet of water for me. With my luck the tent would spring a leak and the knife would get dropped the moment I tried using it. In 3 feet of water I could just stand up, find the door and force it open.

    • @bishyeahbish3758
      @bishyeahbish3758 Год назад


    • @commandingsteel
      @commandingsteel Год назад +1

      mav the mad lad

  • @brennanhughes976
    @brennanhughes976 Год назад

    Can’t wait for winter camping!😅

  • @AnthonyStory
    @AnthonyStory Год назад +12

    Just had my first son. Loosing sleep but atleast I got Mavs videos to keep me entertained 😂 thanks bud

    • @sherryljo
      @sherryljo Год назад +1

      Congrats! You’re going to love having a son. I know I’m proud of my son Mav 💜

    • @AnthonyStory
      @AnthonyStory Год назад

      @@sherryljomavs videos have gotten me through a lot of tough times. The world would be a better place with more people like him.

  • @TravelingWithMedusa
    @TravelingWithMedusa 11 месяцев назад

    Hey Mav, not even sure if you read these or not, just wanted to say I love your content. As someone who has never been "outdoorsy" or camper, or fisher you make everything seem so fun and interesting. You've peaked my interest on doing these things after years of never even thinking about doing something like this. Thank you for all the awesome content. I do have a question/content idea if it's something you'd be interested in. What if you did a video, maybe even a series, of you maybe taking a new person or fan who has never gone camping/fishing and take them out on a trip and show them the ropes? I'd absolutely love to experience something like this so I'd definitely volunteer! There is so many things I'd love to try, especially something winter/ice fishing!

  • @jillwalls9330
    @jillwalls9330 Год назад +4

    It looks like a floating bounce house. 😂

  • @ttraviis
    @ttraviis Год назад +1

    thankyou for uploading early for the people from Europe!

  • @JuPac420
    @JuPac420 Год назад +16

    This video was pretty in-tents

  • @brentmadison7605
    @brentmadison7605 Год назад

    YEEEES A NEW MAV VIDEO! With Paramore too! ❤

  • @1helicrasher
    @1helicrasher Год назад +21

    You know its gonna be a good time when Mav drops a video

  • @samfisher320
    @samfisher320 Год назад +2

    This is what it’s all about man. Just living life to the fullest!

  • @AzBob01
    @AzBob01 Год назад +8

    Well Mav, you've done it again. You came up with yet another unique way to camp. Keeps us curious as to what you will come up with next. Maybe camping on a signal buoy out on the Great Lakes? Keep them coming Mav.

  • @meganro1630
    @meganro1630 Год назад +1

    Liked within seconds . Paramore!! Bringing back my child hood ❤

  • @angiepritt
    @angiepritt Год назад +19

    Mav don't poke to hard we want you safe 💙

  • @bigmangmc
    @bigmangmc Год назад +2

    @Mav I have experience with a lot of inflatable furniture and accessories. What you should have done was get a sheet of plywood and line the bottom of the tent so you had a hard surface to stand on, and walk on, and also place your mattress and everything else on, and it would be level. Next time that's what you should do.

  • @-RyN-23
    @-RyN-23 Год назад +1

    A clear bottom would be so cool, like maybe just a donut in the center thats clear on both sides to see through or just make the whole bottom clear to see into the water while on the tent.
    You should see if they will make a sample one for you!
    Would make a great part 2 video!!!

    • @-RyN-23
      @-RyN-23 Год назад

      Like so he sees this! If you think it's a cool idea also!?!?!

  • @Judah98
    @Judah98 Год назад +14

    Mav, you are the face of adventures! Always an excellent video when you post. 💯✊🏾💪🏾👍🏾

  • @joannaazar7396
    @joannaazar7396 Год назад +1

    Mav it. So nice to see you livin your dream. Thanks for sharing ❤

  • @jefferywells2288
    @jefferywells2288 Год назад +8

    Using the hand pump wrong, the two handle looking things are actually what you stand on and pull the other side... That's why the hose was falling off

  • @Curly100K
    @Curly100K Год назад

    That paramore song brought me back. Ahh nostalgia, thanks Mav!

  • @El_coyote710
    @El_coyote710 Год назад +5

    16:43 as a Mexican that's loved your video's i was in tears you are still invited to our BBQ so we can teach you how to say it correctly chili CON CARNE there is NO D in there 😂😢😂

  • @xHOLLlSTERx
    @xHOLLlSTERx Год назад +1

    4: zombies can’t get you in 30 feet of water. 👌🏼

  • @teamtaggedout
    @teamtaggedout Год назад +35

    There's no way I would actually sleep well in that death trap lmao

    • @Jeremiah7-ox2nj
      @Jeremiah7-ox2nj Год назад +2

      Mav's into taking risks. He slept with lit candles inside his truck, etc. Only a matter of time until be wins the Darwin Award.

    • @teamtaggedout
      @teamtaggedout Год назад +2

      @@Jeremiah7-ox2nj Mav is the 🐐

    • @ProFriend
      @ProFriend Год назад +1

      @@Jeremiah7-ox2nj I don't know - I haven't heard him say "hold my beer and watch this" yet.

  • @ladygreer9323
    @ladygreer9323 Год назад +1

    Hey Mav. This is relaxing & very cool. When you come out there on the water in this ⛺ You definitely just chill.. I agree with the scared to light fire in there. Whoa! The ventilation is low! Do Enjoy, & keep on Trucking Mav.. ❤️😙🐞

  • @GooseyBO
    @GooseyBO Год назад +7

    Thank you for all your hard work Mav. Appreciate the entertainment over the years!

  • @bad__syntax
    @bad__syntax Год назад +1

    I can *smell the inside of that new tent just from watching this video 😆

  • @bradhuff6879
    @bradhuff6879 Год назад +4

    This was a great video Mav. This is just a idea and not me trying to tell you what to do. It probably would work if you cook while you stay in the tent and pull your kayak around and putting some type of board on it or something like that. That’s if you do decide to do this again. Which I hope you do. Much love and support. God bless you on any endeavor you take on.

  • @therealsirdj5934
    @therealsirdj5934 Год назад

    the irony of a electric pump shaped like a grenate just being blown up by the electric output is pretty funny. Also: You eating those MREs reminded me of my aprenticeship in Denmark last year for my job training. I lived by myself (or at least without my parents) for the first time ever back then and since the two classmates I went with where headed home the weekend right in the middle of our trip I spent two day completly by myself. I had some micro wave burgers (which tasted horrible) and one of those instand bolognese things, which honestly was just as weird, but not as disgusting as that dry ass microwave burger that thing somehow managed to be too hot, to cold, to soaky and to dry all at the same time, it was a wild experience for sure. God, how much I miss those two months, I may have failed my exam while being in Denmark, yet I had an absolute blast being there and living life. These kinds of videos really do remind me how awesome life will be, once I finally graduated school and actually geting to work and live and just go out exploring the world man

  • @ptaszek1983
    @ptaszek1983 Год назад +23

    Mav always comes up with great camping ideas.

  • @mohsen1
    @mohsen1 Год назад +1

    oh, floating tent on the water! what a lovely video to watch, Mav your channel is always my inspiration, keep up the good work brother! ❤

  • @dalegereaux1863
    @dalegereaux1863 Год назад +3

    Good show, Mav !
    Thank you for the entertainment ! 👍

  • @KarenAaron-e2s
    @KarenAaron-e2s Год назад

    That is the prettiest lake especially with the sunset. I would love a cabin right there. Nice video Mav. Though it wasn’t the best night sleep glad you didn’t end up in the water.

  • @patriotpreacher43
    @patriotpreacher43 Год назад +11

    Concerned that if you were asleep and it began to sink you could be trapped and unable to get out and die. Maybe a razor knife on a lanyard around your neck just in case. Or just don’t use it!

  • @Timyy33
    @Timyy33 Год назад +1

    I think I need Mav as a fishing buddy. Then maybe for once I could out fish somebody😂😂

  • @Kanaketsu
    @Kanaketsu Год назад +6

    Like maybe if they put a huge square of like cork or surfboard floating stuff under the membrane, that would be so much safer and screens of course and easy exits as well.

  • @ABCDEF-uz9fd
    @ABCDEF-uz9fd Год назад

    This is so Dangerous in ways that stuff can go wrong lol, so i am glad MAV is doing this so i can watch.

  • @austinupshaw629
    @austinupshaw629 Год назад +30

    It’s a great night when mav drops a banger on us.

    • @bennytoady
      @bennytoady Год назад

      So every Sunday for the last year or so?

  • @dawnl.7792
    @dawnl.7792 Год назад

    the sunset is gorgeous

  • @bretts7694
    @bretts7694 Год назад +6

    The city I live in here in Ohio has floating tents on the river during the summer that you can rent out and stay in. They look similar to the one you bought but they are hand made locally by a fly fishing float business. I've never tried them out but I bet they are neat. The business is called Smith Fly

  • @robertstanfill2360
    @robertstanfill2360 Год назад

    You could use it as extra bedroom for company. Put it in the backyard. Need to fix someway to get air flow though. I'd stay in it. Fall or spring night would be excellent. Have a firepit. Pretty cool.❤❤❤❤

  • @katie_otoole
    @katie_otoole Год назад +6

    Now I want to camp in a floating tent on the water. Awesome video!

  • @kennethgibson9527
    @kennethgibson9527 Год назад

    Hi mav, that looks great fun & you didn't sink you have all the fun when u do there's camping trips great stuff.. Take care of yourself & it was good of you're friend being there on the main land, just in case you're boat driffied away from u when u were sleeping.😃

  • @ReflectAmbience
    @ReflectAmbience Год назад +21

    nothing better than watching mav on a nice gloomy day while eating dinner. Great times

    • @ecck2
      @ecck2 Год назад +2

      crazy cos thats exactly what im doin lol

    • @ReflectAmbience
      @ReflectAmbience Год назад

      @@ecck2 great people do likeminded things 😂

    • @dstreet43
      @dstreet43 Год назад

      ​@@ecck2me too 😂

    • @RomyWayne84
      @RomyWayne84 Год назад

      Same. In TN.

    • @evette8558
      @evette8558 Год назад +1

      What was for dinner ?

  • @pbtraveler694
    @pbtraveler694 Год назад +1

    You're amazing, Mav! Kind of the thinking man's risk-taker! A fun watch!

  • @nahnotsomuch2292
    @nahnotsomuch2292 Год назад +9

    The Gatorade bottle. What I like to refer to in my work van as 'The executive restroom'.

  • @greathornedowl3644
    @greathornedowl3644 Год назад

    Thank you Shopify, great service. I think someone needs a houseboat sponsorship

  • @jordanwya
    @jordanwya Год назад +5

    I’m selfish wishing these videos were always an hour longer😅

  • @sjldfilms5126
    @sjldfilms5126 Год назад +3

    Sunday made. Thanks Mav!! Hello Mav fans. 😊

  • @bobbyswhirld
    @bobbyswhirld Год назад

    Nice seeing you fishing one of my old camping destinations - Hog"front" - lol! I hope you get it 😂

  • @jerryhamer
    @jerryhamer Год назад +3

    Im amazed you got out of the kayak and into the tent. I would habe flipped over

  • @AZ-Sharon
    @AZ-Sharon Год назад

    MAV! This one scared me! I'm glad YOU had fun😂

  • @Adam.Short.
    @Adam.Short. Год назад +18

    Time-lapse of the tent on water would of been cool to see how it moved with the anchors

  • @thegreg79
    @thegreg79 Год назад

    Dang dude, it's absolutely crazy how much you've grown up since you started doing this RUclips thing.

  • @kh_trendy
    @kh_trendy Год назад +29

    I would not have been brave enough to cook inside that thing! 😮

    • @MrKveite1
      @MrKveite1 Год назад +3

      I wouldnt be inside it at all cus made in china........

    • @celtichero9
      @celtichero9 Год назад +2

      I would be afraid to eat in it! One dropped FORK and to the bottom I go! LOL

    • @Cle_M3
      @Cle_M3 Год назад +3

      @@MrKveite1Welp you must be afraid of almost everything

    • @mmurphy2317
      @mmurphy2317 Год назад +4

      I figured that it would be some cold salad or sandwich thingy... NOT....Mav...he just has to "heat up the kitchen" to fix his food!Keep on trukkin'!

    • @MrKveite1
      @MrKveite1 Год назад

      Afraid of?????, nahh but i do like me som quality..

  • @haydnguy2794
    @haydnguy2794 Год назад

    Been watching for a little bit and must say you have a very good taste in music 👌

  • @AmorrSummerstorm
    @AmorrSummerstorm Год назад +4

    Going to sleep and never waking up due to drowning

  • @davelunaskitchen8355
    @davelunaskitchen8355 Год назад +1

    Cool concept Mav; well done Bud! Enjoyed the video