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Mar 20, 2014 6:25 AM

Nov 2011
Nice, this episode also bought me back a little nostalgia from earlier on in the season. There were some awkward moments I guess. Oh Sayu ;.;

I find the scenes when she was talking to Kaname to be pretty well done. Seems like everyone has someone they have eyes for. Two episodes left. I hope Manaka gets her ability to love back soon.
Mar 20, 2014 6:30 AM

Nov 2013
Happy for Sayu, I love her ;)
Chisaki confused with those feelings and rejects Tsumugu...Probably end up together in the last episode...
Preview: Ofunehiki again
Mar 20, 2014 6:36 AM

Jan 2011
He probably doesnt want to spoil too much. Go get the raw, dude.
Mar 20, 2014 7:15 AM
Jan 2014
Chisaki is in love with Tsumugu. you can tell from the images of the past, but she does not realize, in the last 2 episodes something will happen that will make all understand.
kido22Mar 20, 2014 7:18 AM
Mar 20, 2014 7:24 AM

Apr 2010
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Mar 20, 2014 7:31 AM

Mar 2011
Just like I thought Chisaki goes.... "I don't know what to do" drama
Well it's pretty obvious now who's gonna end w/ who

Not really a fan of Tsumugu and Chisaki :C

Kaname, Sayu .... Hikari, Miuna(and Manaka I guess) I really liked them

Can't really wait to see the nxt episode`

Mar 20, 2014 8:11 AM
Jan 2014
i must not fucking cry

why this anime do this to me? fcking messed up with my feels

chisaki crying and kaname crying are the most heartbreaking part. like fck it

good for you sayu

sorry i cursed a lot. this episode force me to. definitely 10x better than the previous one
Mar 20, 2014 8:20 AM
Feb 2014
Kaname and Sayu's scene make me cry T__T good episode anyway , so I need to wait until thursday again ? T__T
Mar 20, 2014 8:36 AM

May 2013
Oh man that scene with Kaname and Sayu. She's gotta be happy about that.

Tsumugu getting rejected by Chisaki :(
Pretty sure that she loves him though. She is just not in her right state of mind to see that.
Mar 20, 2014 8:38 AM

Sep 2008
Sayu! You are the best girl from this show!
I can't believe that in first part I don't liked her!
She grown up so good!
I so happy for you!
And Kaname!
I happy for you too!
Finally you know there was somebody who likes you!
Really love SayuxKaname scene!

Akira, so cute! *.*
This letter, this crying when Manaka "rejected' him,
and all his behavior during this scene!
Aww... so cute!

Eh... Chisaki you really piss me off with your drama,
I thought she already start to understand somethings,
and now... really...
Tsumugu you are such waste for her... -.-
I wonder she will make everything clear with Kaname and Tsumugu,
and become more mature, but as far...
She is still little girl who sometimes try to act like adult.

As far:
Best couples: Hikari/Manaka & Kaname/Sayu *.*
Don't care about others, anymore...
only poor Tsumugu... -.-
Mar 20, 2014 8:41 AM

Sep 2012
gj sayu and as for chisaki and tsumgu well as expected she cant accpet his feeling until she moves on from the past .......i knew hikari saying nothing changed would screw with her head at least kaname talked a little sense into her by knowing what she is really feeling.......and man i m not a big kaname supported but he is a true noble man wishing for the happiness of everyone
"Romance can strengthen people, but it can also make them useless."

Deishu Kaiki
Mar 20, 2014 8:41 AM
Dec 2013
I keep thinking that when chisaki ran away when tsumugu hugged her i was thinking that tsumugu was thinking
"I get that bitch one day
but thats not his personality so :P
Mar 20, 2014 8:46 AM

Jul 2012
Oh okay, so Kaname and Sayu are canon now. LOL

Tsumugu and Chisaki will get together in the end most likely. From what I got out of this episode, she has "hidden feelings" for him that she's been suppressing because of guilt.
Mar 20, 2014 8:46 AM

Sep 2012
o forgot something .....i really think we are setup for another tragic ep for the next one with all these events that just happened ......considering what happened the last time they did this.......... something is bound to happen............... also how willing uroko-sama agreed to this bothers me.....

what does everyone else think?????
"Romance can strengthen people, but it can also make them useless."

Deishu Kaiki
Mar 20, 2014 8:49 AM

Jan 2014

Chisaki likes tsumugu (who the hell cares about them anymore anyway?) Kaname finally admits he is lonely and is happy to hear sayu's words and is willing to give her a chance. Thank you Kaname and thank you Sayu!

Looks like we're doing this ofenheki(probably spelled it wrong) again. Let's hope for a happy ending that fixes everything. Only one set of couples left to resolve now it seems. Manaka Go! I do like Miuna but just not for Hikari.
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Mar 20, 2014 8:50 AM

Jul 2012
All those feels! I didn't think too much of Sayu much in the beginning, but she has really grown on me.

I wonder what'll happen in the last two episodes.. I'm really excited to find out :D

So close to ending.. Hopefully Glasslip can fill the void of Nagi. This series has been amazing! :)
AndoMar 20, 2014 8:53 AM
Mar 20, 2014 8:52 AM

Dec 2009
Excellent, one ship has finally started. It is nice that Sayu admitted her feelings toward Kaname and he accepted them.

I also think Chisaki loves Tsumugu, but she is trying to fool herself for some reason. So yeah, that ship might be official soon.

And it leaves us with our love triangle: Miuna, Hikari and Manaka. What will happen there?

Ofunehiki again. Will the Sea God accept the sham or will he be angry and cause some serious damage to the surface?
Mar 20, 2014 8:53 AM

Jan 2014
So Chisaki does have feelings for Tsumugu, that's clear now. But she rejected him because of guilt towards people, she just need everything clear now.
They will probably end up together in the next episode or last, but I bet the last episode.
Kaname x Sayu ship is sailing strong. They were so cute this episode <3
I don't think Miuna will sacrifce herself, I actually think Tsumugu plan will success, but we never know.
Mar 20, 2014 8:54 AM

Jan 2014
fezzy_2004 said:
o forgot something .....i really think we are setup for another tragic ep for the next one with all these events that just happened ......considering what happened the last time they did this.......... something is bound to happen............... also how willing uroko-sama agreed to this bothers me.....

what does everyone else think?????

Yea, I see something bad happening but I'm hoping for a good ending. Everything seems to be going well for everyone right now. Miuna might save manaka or something of the sort. But I sense a bad ending/cliff hanger for next episode with the episode after being good end. Miuna might end up with the sea god. I do believe that will happen and she will be mainly with uroko sama.
Watch Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha, you wont be disappointed.
Check out My Youtube Channel:

Mar 20, 2014 8:54 AM

Aug 2010
Pretty much a Perfect episode >.<

Highlight is definitely KanamexSayu's ship officially setting sail :D The FEEEELZ <3
I'm so happy for Kaname finding out he has someone who cares about him after all the suffering he's had with knowing that he'll always be last of the 3 guys for Chisaki T_T Poor guy. That first scene was suffering for him. So really glad now.
And Sayu for having Kaname immediately reply to her saying he'll start looking at her seriously and thanking her :3 Yes! Sayu is best girl! And those 2 are now the Best couple of the series no doubt :D No other comes close ^^

Also, that was quite the confession by Tsumugu there. Got rejected quite badly too :O Not for long though. Chisaki is definitely in love with Tsumugu and is just in denial thinking she wants Hikari....Not that I care about them anymore -.-
KanamexSayu is everything in my mind now ^^

Akira getting rejected by Manaka and his reaction was lolol Poor Akira XD

Nice to see Miuna making Hikari blush. That was a new thing to see ^^

Let's see how the Ofuneheki will go.
Barion-ZaraMar 20, 2014 9:06 AM
Mar 20, 2014 8:55 AM

Sep 2013
Sayu and Kaname's scene was really well done, I found Sayu's words and Kaname's reaction to be very realistic. So happy for them.
I felt some Miuna flags trigger through the episode, but you can hear Hikari saying "Manaka I love you" in the preview. I wonder where will that go.
If they screw Miuna over I'll be sad, but someone has to get screwed over when there are 3 guys and 4 girls :c
Mar 20, 2014 8:58 AM

Aug 2013
Good for you Sayu!
Finally, senpai notice you..
Mar 20, 2014 8:58 AM

Oct 2010
Yep, that's it, screw Chisaki. I cannot believe what a complete and utter CHILD she has been since the time skip. Her stubbornness and reasons for rejecting Tsumugu are just as pathetic as the fact that she ran away for a second time. She feels she's be "betraying" those in hibernation if she loved Tsumugu? WTF is that? I used to like the idea of Tsumugu/Chisaki, but now just because of her I don't care about that couple anymore. Chisaki is proving to be far more trouble than she is worth. If she wants to keep this pathetic notion of not changing and remaining a child for the rest of her life than let her, and relieve Tsumugu of the burden. Hurting him because you just can't be honest with yourself... she just grates on me.

Sayu completely overshadows Chisaki in every aspect, and has more resolve in love than every other female of the main cast combined, with Chisaki being stupid and Miuna opting to keep her mouth shut about her feelings for Hikari. Hopefully Kaname will now realise what a gem he has pining after him. Even though she didn't say she loved him directly, she at least let it be known.

On another note, it looks like there may not need to be a human sacrifice after all, if Tsumugu's plan succeeds.
Madara31Mar 20, 2014 9:12 AM
Mar 20, 2014 8:59 AM

Sep 2013
Omgosh! KanamexSayu is setting sail! Happy for both of them! Sayu is as awesome as Miuna <3!!!

I've always... always been watching you... This whole time... Because you were there... That's why I was able to try hard. So you could have some balance! So you wouldn't treat me like a kid! So you would see me as an actual girl! Even while you were gone... You were right here! You were right here in my heart!
Mar 20, 2014 9:08 AM

Apr 2013
Touma94 said:
Chisaki confused with those feelings and rejects Tsumugu...Probably end up together in the last episode...
they couldn't make it more obvious.

my nigga kaname making some moves tho
Mar 20, 2014 9:11 AM

Sep 2011
Normally I don't care Kaname, but he was the MVP this episode. Also good for him and Sayu.
Mar 20, 2014 9:12 AM

Dec 2011
Damn. Kaname X Sayu is canon now. They are pretty much out of the picture now.

And should have seen this coming, the Ojoshi-sama is happening again! The cause of the problem is also the solution to the problem... I really wonder if Miuna becomes the new Ojoshi-sama in the end (opening spoilers).
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Mar 20, 2014 9:13 AM

Jan 2014
ojisan told chisaki that the man she (ojoshisama) loved will die. so who will die both tsumugu n hikari?
watashi wa nanimo shinakatta
Mar 20, 2014 9:13 AM

Mar 2011
What is it with the kids hormones in this anime, even the little kid is in love now huh.

I quite like this anime but at the same time it bugs me. It started out nice with a few potential pairings, but now everyone loves everyone.. And they are like 10 year olds >.<. But yeah, well 2 episodes left hopefully it has a nice ending where everyone is happy.
"When everyone else is about to give up, the fighter who becomes the role model, is the true Leader."

Mar 20, 2014 9:18 AM

Jan 2008
I'm happy that it's finally confirmed that Chisaki loves Tsumugu but I must admit that she is being too annoying and stubborn. I understand where she's coming from but isn't it about time she moves on already? She doesn't love Hikari anymore but she's trying to convince herself she still does. Hopefully she won't do anything stupid.

Kaname accepting Sayu's feelings is a good thing. He needs to give her a chance and then hopefully he will start to fall for her. I think they're a good match.

About Hikari/Manaka/Miuna, I don't know why I had a feeling this episode that Hikari may end up with Miuna. Manaka may sacrifice herself again and not come back. As she doesn't have Ena now, she can't return to the sea, right? Maybe she will end up drowning or something? I hope not. :( I'm still hoping for a Hikari/Manaka ending but I'm scared of what may happen. I can't help but feel that Miuna has a good chance as well. Hikari may fall for Miuna eventually especially if Manaka isn't around anymore. Or he could even fall for her with Manaka around as she has always been there for him.

Only two episodes are left. I hope no tragedy will befall any of the characters.
Mar 20, 2014 9:25 AM

Sep 2008
@HatsumiShinogu, 24 episode and preview withHikari's "Manaka, I love you".
I don't think Miuna have chance, this episode have flag for her,
but after 24 episodes, 2 left and Hikari suddenly falling in with Miuna,
and forget about Manaka?
No... just no.

I can't believe there are still think that Manaka love Tsumugu... -.-
Mar 20, 2014 9:26 AM
Mar 2014
I think Tsugumu (if allowed) and Miuna are going to be the sacrifices because they have Manaka's ena. Manaka's ena has her emotions and I don't think the Sea God will accept just one piece of Manaka's feelings.. I don't think he'll get fooled that easily, so probably... This is just my theory. The ena is still a mystery to me.

I love the Kaname and Sayu scene. ♥ Kaname confessing that he's been feeling lonely the whole time, oh Sea God, I can't stand it!

Poor Akira. He's so young and he already understands the feeling of love? He got rejected too.. ;-;
I wonder if it ends with ManakaXAkira or ManakaXHikari... XD

Chisaki WHY DID YOU REJECT HIM? I feel so sorry for Tsugumu, HE HAS BEEN WATCHING HER FOR 5 YEARS!
Chisaki the Drama Queen.

And Miuna (Favorite Character). You are trying so hard for ManakaXHikari. Pure girl! ;_; I think she's a ManakaXHikari fan to be honest... <.<

Hope the Ofunehiki will be a success!
Mar 20, 2014 9:27 AM

Jun 2013
why is everyone blaming chisaki though. i understand she may be a little frustrating, especially to people who like tsumugu and chisaki together- but chisaki has suffered SO much. forced away from her family and friends for five years, forced away from her home, the sea, and everything familiar, so its no wonder she'd be left with this trauma.

also if youre mad at her for running away from tsumugu, she told him to stop touching her and to let go. he only pulled her closer. it is NOT FAIR to blame chisaki for this. she wanted him to let go and he didnt. he scared her.

chisaki has feelings for tsumugu, but shes scared of them. how could she love tsumugu, who she's only known for five years? she's know hikari her entire life, and yet she feels her feelings for him slipping away no matter how much her child self wants to hold onto them. chisaki is traumatized, and probably wants to cling to the familiarity she was forced to lose five years ago.

but yet in the eyes of everyone who watches this show, tsumugu is the tragic one for being rejected (when chisaki likes him anyway and is just coming to terms with this). its funny how the female character gets more shit than the tragic nice guy male.

i love tsumugu and chisaki together, and i love them both individually, but honestly. chisaki may have her faults, but she's trying her best and is a good girl. i cant stand to see her getting so much needless hate when tsumugu slides right on by despite HIS faults.
Mar 20, 2014 9:27 AM

Mar 2013
I'm so glad Kaname accepted Sayu's feelings
I wish Chisaki could do the same with Tsumugu. Well, Kaname x Sayu and Manaka's feelings is everything I have in mind right now.
Beautiful episode!
Mar 20, 2014 9:33 AM

Jan 2011
I can live with the lame reason they came up with for Chisaki to reject Tsumugu - she knows that she loves him, but she also knows that Manaka loved him and thinks this time shes not allowed to stand in the way. Pretty obnoxious, but still better than making her honestly believe she still wants Hikari. Braindead ruination of character averted :D
Also Kaname - his bitterness the last couple of episodes was well explained now, so hes redeemed.
Overall loved the episode - it actually moved the plot a lot, really surprising for me. I expected another drag. Now maybe things will not be left hanging for the last 10 minutes of the last episode, hopefully. And it wont become another AnoHana, yey.

Show score back to 10/10.
Mar 20, 2014 9:38 AM
Jan 2014
I cant believe none else found Tsumugu a big ass cunt this episode. I thought i might like him a bit more, but this cunt who thinks he knows everything just gets on my nerves.

I cant believe all of you like Tsumugu this much, he is the most unrealistic character on this series. this cunt thinks he knows everything and that he can get everything he wants, like Manaka and Chisaki's love.
He was rejected and he was looking at her like: fuck you, you will love me in about 2 episodes anyway.

Mar 20, 2014 9:38 AM
Apr 2013
Chisaki and Tsumugu just feels so bleh to me. Their characters interested me more when they were younger, and after the first episode of the timeskip they've just been getting . . . icky. Tsumugu no longer really feels mysterious and interesting, he feels bland and uninspired. Chisaki doesn't feel like she's struggling and finally maturing and feeling the pain of teenagerhood, she just feels petty and insipid. I feel like their characters could have been handled much better. As of now, whenever they get screentime I'm just like 'okay, hurry up, let's get back to the good characters.'

That said, Kaname and Sayu have been the opposite for me. Hikari is definitely the poster boy for good development, and Miuna is decent but feels like a typical tragic shoujo female lead. Manaka. . .I won't comment because I have this irrational like for her. LOGIC BE DAMNED.

...still kinda hope Miuna and Manaka become happy shrine priestesses together. <3
Mar 20, 2014 9:42 AM
Mar 2014
barriedude said:
I cant believe none else found Tsumugu a big ass cunt this episode. I thought i might like him a bit more, but this cunt who thinks he knows everything just gets on my nerves.

I cant believe all of you like Tsumugu this much, he is the most unrealistic character on this series. this cunt thinks he knows everything and that he can get everything he wants, like Manaka and Chisaki's love.
He was rejected and he was looking at her like: fuck you, you will love me in about 2 episodes anyway.


LOL. Agreed about Tsumugu(not to that extent). That hug he gave Chisaki was unrealistic. That's not his character. Lame writing there.
Mar 20, 2014 9:43 AM
Feb 2014
I am so happy that Sayu confessed! She isn't all dramatic and is possible one of the most likeable characters in this entire anime.

I am a Chisaki x Tsumugu shipper but I am annoyed at Chisaki for being so insensitive and running from Tsumugu like that. Poor guy. But we all know they're gonna get together, you saw her blush when he hugged her.

Miuna is becoming more and more irrelevant these days I feel…She'll probably have something to do with the sacrifice considering what happens in the OP.
Mar 20, 2014 9:45 AM

Aug 2009
Sayu saved the tragic heroine. Sayu is the hero in this episode.
Can Sayu give a sermon to Chisaki too? Chisaki needs to toughen up and be honest with her feelings.
Mar 20, 2014 9:48 AM

Oct 2010
ruininomiya said:
why is everyone blaming chisaki though. i understand she may be a little frustrating, especially to people who like tsumugu and chisaki together- but chisaki has suffered SO much. forced away from her family and friends for five years, forced away from her home, the sea, and everything familiar, so its no wonder she'd be left with this trauma.

also if youre mad at her for running away from tsumugu, she told him to stop touching her and to let go. he only pulled her closer. it is NOT FAIR to blame chisaki for this. she wanted him to let go and he didnt. he scared her.

chisaki has feelings for tsumugu, but shes scared of them. how could she love tsumugu, who she's only known for five years? she's know hikari her entire life, and yet she feels her feelings for him slipping away no matter how much her child self wants to hold onto them. chisaki is traumatized, and probably wants to cling to the familiarity she was forced to lose five years ago.

but yet in the eyes of everyone who watches this show, tsumugu is the tragic one for being rejected (when chisaki likes him anyway and is just coming to terms with this). its funny how the female character gets more shit than the tragic nice guy male.

i love tsumugu and chisaki together, and i love them both individually, but honestly. chisaki may have her faults, but she's trying her best and is a good girl. i cant stand to see her getting so much needless hate when tsumugu slides right on by despite HIS faults.
Yeah she suffered, yeah she was separated from them for 5 years, but they're back now, so why is she STILL being so stubborn and childish? Where did she get this idea that if she loves Tsumugu she'd be betraying those who were in hibernation? Why is it so bad if she starts to love Tsumugu after 5 years? that's not a short amount of time, and love isn't determined by how much time you spend with someone. That's just another one of her many childish thoughts that are unbearable at this point.

Also, with Chisaki running away, Tsumugu clearly said that if it was a misunderstanding, then he'd let her go. She had NO reason to feel scared or threatened because he wasn't using excessive force. If she had just said it was his misunderstanding, then he'd have let her go, but instead she lies to herself, shouts she doesn't love him and runs away. More childishness. Tsumugu's way of going about it was kind of arrogant though, thinking he already knew about Chisaki's feelings and was confident in her reply. He obviously wasn't anticipating her stubbornness, and neither was I.

Chisaki is getting shit because she deserves it. Again, what's wrong with falling for someone after 5 whole years? Why can't you spend 14 years with someone, 5 years with another, and fall for them instead? Her reasons are pathetic, and even after Kaname clarified that Manaka had nothing to do with it, she refused to believe him, just looking for more ways to run away from the truth. She's most definitely NOT trying her best. Trying her best would be at least attempting to come to terms with the fact that people grow up. But she constantly clings on to familiarity like a little girl. What's the point of forcing yourself to love Hikari when you're not even going to make a move on him anyway? it's pointless, and so is the needless drama she's causing.
Madara31Mar 20, 2014 9:56 AM
Mar 20, 2014 9:50 AM
Feb 2014
I feel really bad for Kaname. Everything he has endured until now was really painful, especially when Chisaki was explaining how she was still in love with Hikari. Also, I really liked how mature his reply was with Sayu. I guess that's really his character.

I didn't want a TsumuguxChisaki ship before, because I just wanted Chisaki to be happy, but now I do want to ship them off. I think HikarixManaka will happen but depending on what will happen, everything will go crazy again.
5 Centimeters Per Second - Or what I'd like to call as 5 Anime Wallpapers Per Second.
Mar 20, 2014 9:54 AM

Jan 2011
barriedude said:
I cant believe none else found Tsumugu a big ass cunt this episode. I thought i might like him a bit more, but this cunt who thinks he knows everything just gets on my nerves.

I cant believe all of you like Tsumugu this much, he is the most unrealistic character on this series. this cunt thinks he knows everything and that he can get everything he wants, like Manaka and Chisaki's love.
He was rejected and he was looking at her like: fuck you, you will love me in about 2 episodes anyway.


Ehm, what? Chisaki having feelings for him was so obvious, it really didnt require much brains to see it. Kaname did it right away. Chisaki knows it too, she rejected him for completely different reason in case you didnt get that (though, as I said, that reason was pretty stupid). You seem to only like generic braindead characters like Hikari? Well, good for you, almost every anime is full of them, 90% of all MCs are of that prototype. Im fucking glad this show has not one but whooping TWO MCs who have brains. Unrealistic? OMG!
I can understand if Tsumugu X Chisaki wasnt your fave pair, but this is no reason to hate.

On another note - just came to me that Manaka couldt remember Hikari waved the flag at the Ofuneki. This is the obvious sign that she only had an early crush on Tsumugu and really loved Hikari at that time. Love it or hate it - its Hikari X Manaka, Tsugumu X Chisaki and Say X Kaname. I dunno what will happen to Miuna, probably she will get over it and go for that boy who confessed to her. I dont think anyone will be sacrificed at the end (that slug pendant will be the sacrifice). And Im happy for it - I would hate it if it went AnoHana ending.

shadedclan said:
I feel really bad for Kaname. Everything he has endured until now was really painful, especially when Chisaki was explaining how she was still in love with Hikari. Also, I really liked how mature his reply was with Sayu. I guess that's really his character.

I didn't want a TsumuguxChisaki ship before, because I just wanted Chisaki to be happy, but now I do want to ship them off. I think HikarixManaka will happen but depending on what will happen, everything will go crazy again.

Go watch the episode again. It seems many of you really didnt get why Chisaki rejected Tsumugu...
AlexGKMar 20, 2014 9:58 AM
Mar 20, 2014 10:02 AM

Dec 2012
My God,what the hell. I can't even.. wow.

I'm so happy that Kaname and Sayu would end up together,my favorite character from the beginning and my best girl in the second cour. Finally Kaname can find happiness.
But damn,Chisaki. Damn. Now I understand why so many people hate her. Now she's the most annoying character in the whole show. I understand that she felt guilty,scared of changing,scared of ruining their beloved friendship,faking her feelings but damn. She rejects Tsumugu in that way. Tsumugu has my respect for being so honest,and Chisaki has my totally hate. She has no reasons for her doing. Seriously,you make suffer the guys that loves you and shout that you love the guy who doesn't even look at you? This is simply stupidity.
Kaname was the smartest of all,in the end.
I don't think Chisaki would become the sacrifice,that would make her some sort of a heroine and she doesn't deserves that.
steponmebakuraMar 20, 2014 10:15 AM
Mar 20, 2014 10:02 AM

Dec 2010
Whooot all my favorite ships are setting sail.

I wonder what will happen to Miuna...? It really doesn't look like Hikari has any feelings for her at all.
Mar 20, 2014 10:03 AM
Mar 2014
Goodness, who would of thought of Sayu being the best girl in the show an Chisaki is the worst?

Edit: Chisaki is scared of ruining her friend's relationships? Wtf? Hikari loves Manaka. Kaname is with Sayu. Manaka probably loves Hikari if they fix her love problem.

Horrible excuse. Pathetic. Waste of time. She didn't even make a move on Hikari when he came back from the sea.
CrashClownMar 20, 2014 10:07 AM
Mar 20, 2014 10:04 AM
Jan 2014
I don't know why but I have this itching feelings that Tsumugu may end up sacrificing himself. I mean think about it, look at the difference between when Miuna got bits of Manakas ena and when Tsumugu got the motherload of manakas ena. The only way for Manaka to get her feelings back is to trick the sea god into thinking that Manaka has returned, Tsumugu has the most of Manaka's ena so...

I dont know, just a theory.

The MVP of this ep def goes to Sayu and the most improved player def goes to Kaname. I'm glad he gave sayu a chance cause I think she is the perfect match for him.
Burgerboner69Mar 20, 2014 10:08 AM
Mar 20, 2014 10:08 AM

Jan 2011
Burgerboner69 said:
I don't know why but I have this itching feelings that Tsumugu may end up sacrificing himself. I mean think about it, look at the difference between when Miuna got bits of Manakas ena and when Tsumugu got the motherload of manakas ena. The only way for Manaka to get her feelings back is to trick the sea god into thinking that Manaka has returned, Tsumugu has the most of Manaka's ena so...

I dont know, just a theory.

The MVP of this ep def goes to Kaname. I'm glad he gave sayu a chance cause I think she is the perfect match for him.

No. And you saw how he reacted when he fould out Chisaki had those thoughts.
His plan to use the slug pendant to cheat may be cheesy, but thats how it will end. No way they are going to repeat the same mistake again.
Mar 20, 2014 10:12 AM

Dec 2012
Madara31 said:

Chisaki is getting shit because she deserves it. Again, what's wrong with falling for someone after 5 whole years? Why can't you spend 14 years with someone, 5 years with another, and fall for them instead? Her reasons are pathetic, and even after Kaname clarified that Manaka had nothing to do with it, she refused to believe him, just looking for more ways to run away from the truth. She's most definitely NOT trying her best. Trying her best would be at least attempting to come to terms with the fact that people grow up. But she constantly clings on to familiarity like a little girl. What's the point of forcing yourself to love Hikari when you're not even going to make a move on him anyway? it's pointless, and so is the needless drama she's causing.

You just told the truth.
Mar 20, 2014 10:12 AM

Sep 2008
Little piss me off, that every thing was ruined, started...
because of Akari idea of 'sacrifice herself for Sea God.

And now they will make the same thing with doll
and have hope this will work to fix things with Manaka... -.-

The main point in series, but yet... so stupid.
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