Tyler Perry's MEA CULPA Belongs on Tubi!

  • Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
  • Join Heit & Cheri as they give their first reactions to Tyler Perry's newest film Mea Culpa, that debuted on Netflix in February 2024.
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    #meaculpa #fantheories #blackmovies
    All of the music in this video consists of the original productions of Axiom Amnesia, the animations were created by Axiom Amnesia, and the voices are that of Axiom Amnesia hosts giving commentary throughout. This video was produced in its entirety by Axiom Amnesia, including all graphics, logos, music, sound effects and video (unless otherwise designated).
    Film Clip Credits:
    Tyler Perry (Director). (2024). Mea Culpa [Film]. Netflix.

Комментарии • 389

  • @dajanedior
    @dajanedior Год назад +86

    It's like he mixed temptation and acrimony all in one and just did something

    @REDBONEPRODUCTIONS876 Год назад +141

    Tyler issue is he wont hire other writers like at the end of the day u need help with these things because ur getting different opinions and point of views and experiences

  • @kaylao.3326
    @kaylao.3326 Год назад +134

    At least there's no bad wigs. Which is quite surprising because that's become like a Tyler P movie signature at this point chile

    • @HeitCheri
      @HeitCheri  Год назад +53

      Kelly Rowland was not gonna wear a Tyler wig... 😆 I'm sure she brought her own glam squad to the set.

    • @TheRetroWoman80
      @TheRetroWoman80 Год назад


    • @jgirlinluv55
      @jgirlinluv55 Год назад +6

      I was going to say that. Kelly was not going to have it

    • @vyxenthemua
      @vyxenthemua Год назад +11

      They were better but I could easily tell the mom was wearing a wig. Not sure why she couldn't have just worn her real hair

    • @KingXaChris
      @KingXaChris Год назад +9

      @@vyxenthemuaI think that wig was her supposedly selling her cancer storyline

  • @oreabejide
    @oreabejide Год назад +159

    the stylist did their thing w kelly

  • @MaterialGworlKodi
    @MaterialGworlKodi Год назад +107

    Tyler Perry made that painting scene so that he could see Trevante Rhodes naked. 😱😂

    • @laquettaowens6120
      @laquettaowens6120 Год назад +15

      😂 i would have as well 😂

    • @Lay__Loves
      @Lay__Loves Год назад +17

      you saying the quiet part out loud, sis! 😂

    • @Justdontcare-j9o
      @Justdontcare-j9o Год назад +7

      The best scene in the movie. ❤❤😘

    • @SheedMack88
      @SheedMack88 Год назад +8

      That wouldn’t be his first time … how you think he got the part 🤷🏾‍♂️

    • @TheLoveweaver
      @TheLoveweaver Год назад +1


  • @ambermeridy7550
    @ambermeridy7550 Год назад +71

    Let's not forget Kelly was in Freddy v Jason...she mocked Freddy's "butter knives" 😂

    • @TheRetroWoman80
      @TheRetroWoman80 Год назад +8

      Or his "Christmas sweater from last year."😂😂😂😂

    • @cheetahgirlfan32
      @cheetahgirlfan32 Год назад


    • @chinawangs
      @chinawangs Год назад +5

      That’s right…they made her obsessed over her nose and plastic surgery 🤔

    • @TheRetroWoman80
      @TheRetroWoman80 Год назад +4

      @@chinawangsRight. I did not get why that part was in the movie. And then it was sliced off by Freddy, right?
      But then she had rhinoplasty in real life, so..

    • @chinawangs
      @chinawangs Год назад +4

      @@TheRetroWoman80 yup she fell asleep and freddy was like "got your nose!!!" Definitely didn't know she legit got surgery done to it though...entertainment industry is as sick as the horror flicks 😒

  • @jkseraphim4
    @jkseraphim4 Год назад +40

    It sounds like the movie Gone Girl with the husband "alleged" cheating that made Mia sleep with the suspect. Tyler Perry was in Gone Girl he could have taken inspiration from that.

  • @llove1012
    @llove1012 Год назад +22

    Kelly has been flexing her acting artistry over there on the Hallmark Channel, plus she played the mom in the film with Marsai Martin and Omari Hardrick. It was a cute little football, family movie.

  • @NaiWayOrNoWay
    @NaiWayOrNoWay Год назад +33

    Now you know damn well that was his fine self in Moonlight😭love that man

    • @chanelmiller4635
      @chanelmiller4635 Год назад +5

      😂😂😂😂 tryna play it off 😂😂😂😂

    • @adjustingwithjess6501
      @adjustingwithjess6501 Год назад +2

      Thank you for this 😂😂😂😂😂

    • @kelishawalker2793
      @kelishawalker2793 Год назад

      Ohhhhh so sexy! Tru definition of A chocolate drop... That "coloring " 😉 😉 while smearing paint all ovaaaa dat bawwwwdy scene tho👏🏾👏🏾 whew chilllllle

  • @alfredasmith8278
    @alfredasmith8278 Год назад +14

    I wish it could have been court room scenes to see her lawyer skills.

    • @ninjanibba4259
      @ninjanibba4259 Год назад +5

      So she’s a lawyer and the movie NO court scenes? Typical Tyler
      Did the same thing with Diane in Why Did I Get Married, she’s such a good lawyer but we never get to see her skills

  • @LakeishaYoung-jg9lk
    @LakeishaYoung-jg9lk Год назад +2

    The day Kelly sign her name on the dotted line on that contract sold her soul to the devil..I remember when Angela Basset said you don’t have to accept everything that is presented too you or feel obliged to to do so,you don’t have too compromises your integrity or do anything that you feel that is beneath you NO YOUR WORTH…and she said this in an interview when she spoke out about H.B agreeing to star in the movie MONSTER,Like my mother has taught/instill in me Never Settle for anything or less and stick to your Morals and I’ve have instilled this same advice to my daughter💯

  • @Bbjaz824
    @Bbjaz824 Год назад +27

    Trevante was also in Birdbox with Sandra Bullock

  • @makilahh
    @makilahh Год назад +64

    It sounds like Trois 2 and Acrimony put together.

    • @HeitCheri
      @HeitCheri  Год назад +5

      I forgot all about Trois!!! 🫢😂🫢

    • @WolfCien
      @WolfCien Год назад +4


    • @thetarotdetective3363
      @thetarotdetective3363 Год назад +2

      Addicted Sharon Leal rip off .

    • @makilahh
      @makilahh Год назад +3

      @@thetarotdetective3363 agree and Motives 1 and 2.

    • @yvonnebaltimore7729
      @yvonnebaltimore7729 Год назад +1

      Temptation & Zane Addicted mixed together

  • @marklouis1890
    @marklouis1890 Год назад +33

    I enjoyed Kelly's acting

  • @sherrylatrice8733
    @sherrylatrice8733 Год назад +38

    I watched it today. It started out interesting, but then it just went totally to the left. It threw me off. I was confused.

    • @TheRetroWoman80
      @TheRetroWoman80 Год назад +1

      Right....just usual Tyler throwing things together for dramatics. Past Madea Goes To Jail, in my opinion, I cherry picked what I watch from him.

  • @QueenShanine
    @QueenShanine Год назад +13

    Where was Kelly’s co-counsel? She was working at a firm, I’d assume that she’d have at least one to help prepare for a high profile case like that. I thought that was odd.
    And to back up Cheri’s argument about experts, between all of these legal shows and the availability to watch court proceedings in real time, the average person may know a bit more than Tyler seems to know. So the experts need to be on set for consulting purposes

  • @Whoisyanna
    @Whoisyanna Год назад +30

    As soon as y’all said there was no body, I said “let me guess, she ain’t dead” 🙄🤣

  • @vikkidc3859
    @vikkidc3859 Год назад +22

    Trevante actually did play Mike Tyson 😂😂😂
    TP refuses to get help for his writing and always rushing filming but wants to be offended when people rightfully critique his poor work

    • @HeitCheri
      @HeitCheri  Год назад

      Yeah Heit mention Trevante playing Tyson. I had forgotten about that too! You're right about Tyler.

  • @bizzyb912
    @bizzyb912 Год назад +2

    If Tyler Perry is not going to do research on laws, cities, states, etc. he should create fantasy worlds with fictional names lol. And I’d also like to add yes please continue with the new movie reviews as well. I enjoy the older and newer movie reviews.

  • @garrygivens1680
    @garrygivens1680 Год назад +4

    Did anyone notice that the drive back to the house before Mea and her husband hits the truck was way longer than when she first ran from the house? She wasn't running that long before seeing the headlights that turned out to be her husband's car.

  • @lisah8438
    @lisah8438 Год назад +39

    This is the first movie where I wanted everyone in the movie to die. All the characters were stupid

    • @HeitCheri
      @HeitCheri  Год назад +2


    • @tamhead1
      @tamhead1 Год назад +1

      I'm hollin 😂

    • @lisah8438
      @lisah8438 Год назад +1

      ​@@tamhead1For real. I wanted it to end like Leave The World Behind.

    • @TheRetroWoman80
      @TheRetroWoman80 Год назад

      🤭They were defintely not the best well developed characters.

    • @anthonytaylor7928
      @anthonytaylor7928 Год назад

      Thats cold 😂😂

  • @indiat.7242
    @indiat.7242 Год назад +16

    I only planned to watch for Trevonte tbh but I haven’t seen ONE good review lol I can’t wait to hear yall talk about it!☺️

  • @novemberreign6023
    @novemberreign6023 Год назад +3

    Youre forgetting the main thing...

  • @ohsobashful4763
    @ohsobashful4763 Год назад +5

    I was so mad at Mea for sleeping with that man cause gross. Then had the nerve to talk about her husband’s bad decision making. So that made it seem out of character for her.

  • @candace9560
    @candace9560 Год назад +4

    I don’t like movies when they say how good someone is at they job. But never actually show them doing there job. They could of started Mea off in the court room as she wins a case and then get into her marriage drama. Little details like that would make this movie more believable and the sex in this movie was so unnecessary. Feel like he was trying to copy that Netflix movie 360 days..or whatever it’s called

  • @MaterialGworlKodi
    @MaterialGworlKodi Год назад +13

    Woo-hoo! Love to see a new Axiom upload !

  • @joaeloveless8845
    @joaeloveless8845 Год назад +12

    It definitely gave the movie Addicted starring Sharon Leal & Boris Kodjoe with minor plot changes…

  • @jkseraphim4
    @jkseraphim4 Год назад +13

    Kelly Rowland was in the Hugley's tv show too after Destiny Child separated.
    And the horror Freddy vs. Jason, but I never saw it.

  • @LRamey
    @LRamey Год назад +12

    She was just in a Lifetime Christmas movie that she did really well in

    • @keptbygrace6221
      @keptbygrace6221 Год назад

      I think she's an ok actress. Seat filler came out when I was in high school and I liked it so I got the DVD. 😄

    • @anthonytaylor7928
      @anthonytaylor7928 Год назад +1

      Aw stop this lady is not a good actress

    • @keptbygrace6221
      @keptbygrace6221 Год назад +5

      @@anthonytaylor7928 she's a better actress than Beyonce 😄

    • @anthonytaylor7928
      @anthonytaylor7928 Год назад

      @@keptbygrace6221 I'm not even that much of a Beyonce fan but Beyonce has a lot of acting credits then Kelly who looks like an amateur stop it

    • @keptbygrace6221
      @keptbygrace6221 Год назад +5

      @@anthonytaylor7928 a lot of credits doesn't mean she's good at it 😄

  • @LBright4444
    @LBright4444 Год назад +10

    I think there is a pattern with some TP products to have a plot twist. It seems forced and amateur!
    The concept of a dirty district attorney is solid.
    Someone being framed for murder is solid.
    The defendant being a freak is solid!
    So many things lumped in on top of that was a mistake IMO. No time to provide development of story and characters.
    I imagine TP will never take a writing class, cause he don’t think he needs it and likely won’t delegate to other writers for support.

    • @HeitCheri
      @HeitCheri  Год назад +1

      I agree that Tyler doesn't think he needs improvement in his writing so he continues to do the same.

  • @Lola7Falana
    @Lola7Falana Год назад +8

    Thank you for this. I tried twice and kept falling asleep.

    • @kelishawalker2793
      @kelishawalker2793 Год назад +3

      Damn Me toooooo!! I caught that body painting scene tho 🔥🔥🔥 shitddddd ion need to see nothing else at this point😊

  • @jgrant4736
    @jgrant4736 Год назад +8

    Loved Trevante in Birdbox with Sandra Bullock.

    • @ChiefRosh
      @ChiefRosh Год назад

      He did good in Predator too

  • @Angelia-w5z
    @Angelia-w5z Год назад +15

    To be real, its alot of good ass movies onTUBI

    • @HeitCheri
      @HeitCheri  Год назад +2

      We understand. Like we were talking about in the video, there's a type of movie we all understand to fall into the category of a Tubi movie. So that's really what we meant. When someone says, "Tubi movie" we all know what they mean.

  • @ycartyahoo
    @ycartyahoo Год назад +7

    I am not a TP fan so I didn't have plans to watch unless folks i trust watch and give a 👍... As soon as you dropped the video, i had to come hear about it. This was an hour well worth it, it was entertaining and I laughed alot. too bad most of his movies aren't just as entertaining to me

  • @richieb.8918
    @richieb.8918 Год назад +1

    I actually liked the movie for the silliness of it all but where did they get the skull fragments and DNA that was in the painting from if the woman was still alive?

  • @dajanedior
    @dajanedior Год назад +10

    I promise to God I'm trying to finish it now I'm going to come back to the video happy to see you guys 🎉

  • @RamonicaCaldwell
    @RamonicaCaldwell Год назад +5

    You guys did a good job with the review. It was all over the place because the movie was all over the place. I agree it needed better writing and more character development. Also Kelly was not a fit for the role in my opinion. It needed someone with more edge or she needed to push herself deeper. I didn’t feel she had any relatability to the character. The guys actual did a great job with acting it seems as though they were putting their best foot forward considering what they were working with. I agree it’s definitely not a second watch for me. The funny thing is this concept of movie has been done many times both with white and black audiences …. This movie had great potential with better writing and adding a twist that makes sense.

  • @TheBlackUnfold
    @TheBlackUnfold Год назад +6

    The sister n law is Mississippi of P Valley.

  • @1991Meka
    @1991Meka Год назад +3

    Movie was absolutely Tyler Perry-ish. Writing was terrible. Acting was terrible. Trevonte's acting was terrible. Kelly's acting was okay. The way they had the white momma talking to Kelly was very unbelievable. The paint sex scene was good. It was music behind that made it better. I liked Ronreaco, he was the only good acting. Such ashame that Tyler Perry still hasn't improved.

  • @TG5455
    @TG5455 Год назад +1

    Also, Kelly was in Freddy vs Jason in '03. Kelly, Usher, or anyone can't have their moment in the sun when Beyonce drops something out of nowhere like she's Randy Orton when he hits the RKO out of nowhere.

  • @Socallmelex
    @Socallmelex Год назад +7

    This reminds me of Temptation

  • @ladytinag4276
    @ladytinag4276 10 месяцев назад +2

    I don’t think you all should rush to review new releases because everybody and their ma put out reviews right away. You may get lost in the shuffle. Personally, I get tired of seeing every RUclips channel reviewing the same movies as soon as they premiere. You guys do a great job with your commentary 👍🏾.

    • @HeitCheri
      @HeitCheri  10 месяцев назад

      Thanks for your honest opinion. It is much more difficult to be under the pressure to review new movies because of the time factor. We've probably watched five or six movies in the past month that we couldn't really work into the schedule. IDK how many new ones we will ever get to.

  • @jgrant4736
    @jgrant4736 Год назад +5

    Did the brother-in-law DA have a personal vendetta against the artists bc he found out his wife was involved with the artist? Or in other words, was the artist set up with the murder bc he had a fling with DAs wife?

    • @HeitCheri
      @HeitCheri  Год назад +2

      Yes, that was the twist and supposed motivation for the setup.

    • @gemini8620
      @gemini8620 Год назад


  • @mdooms76
    @mdooms76 Год назад +2

    This film was dark, sadistic and raunchy for no reason. It could have been good with the actors used. Kelly took a step down to do this. Definitely did not paint her in a positive light. I kept asking "why did she do this film... as a married woman at that?" I could not finish it.

  • @KingXaChris
    @KingXaChris Год назад +2

    What’s funny is in the beginning I was get real Candyman 2021 vibes. Even his coat was in that style. It just made me laugh. 🤭😂

  • @naturalista74
    @naturalista74 Год назад +2

    Trevante Rhoades has been in 16 movies. The first film that I saw him in was Moonlight.

    @REDBONEPRODUCTIONS876 Год назад +7

    Mr Rhodes was also in birdbox

    • @HeitCheri
      @HeitCheri  Год назад +1

      I forgot about that too!

    • @naturalista74
      @naturalista74 Год назад

      Yup, he was the sacrificial Black person in Birdbox.

  • @ARenae-vo4ch
    @ARenae-vo4ch Год назад +5

    I just finished watching the movie....
    This movie was so predictable and a compilation of other movies.
    Addicted: The married woman meeting with her painter client at his loft where they eventually get it on. The multiple paintings of women he painted that he was also involved with at some point. The painting of her above his bed like Quinton Canosa said he wanted to do with Sharon Leal's character.
    I knew the party scene was coming after the kinky, sadism conversation. It was giving red light special and reminded me of scenes from Addicted, Temptation, and Trois 2 Pandora's Box.
    The blood splatter and brain fragments without a body was giving me Gone Girl and A Fall From Grace. Who's brain fragments did they find anyway?
    My brother told me to beat you was giving "Beat her" "You told Harpo to beat me"
    The "I find myself very attracted to you" reminded me of Temptation (written by TP). As well as the bike and car reminding me of Harley with his bike, RR, and "fast red car" in his garage.
    It was also giving Gabrielle Union and Idris Elba in Daddy's Little Girls.
    Anyway, i loved Kelly's looks in this movie. ❤️ And I don't know why she thought she could trust anyone in her family at the end including her husband since he always chose his mother and brother's side over hers.

    • @HeitCheri
      @HeitCheri  Год назад

      What did you think?

    • @ARenae-vo4ch
      @ARenae-vo4ch Год назад

      @@HeitCheri I'm going to finish your video first. I don't want to comment certain things yall may have mentioned already.

    • @ARenae-vo4ch
      @ARenae-vo4ch Год назад

      Kelly was also in Freddy v. Jason and had a small part in Think Like A Man. I think she's a good actor, not great.

    @REDBONEPRODUCTIONS876 Год назад +4

    She was also in freddy vs jason

  • @mschellylove3588
    @mschellylove3588 Год назад +7

    This movie gave me Temptation and Addicted vibes. This movie was predictable, for sure. I will give it a 2.5 Stars ⭐️⭐️

    • @TheRetroWoman80
      @TheRetroWoman80 Год назад +1

      Thank you!!! I thought I was the only one who mentally referenced those two movies while watching this.

    • @nadine4634
      @nadine4634 Год назад +1

      I got the temptation vibe, too. Tyler perry needs to stop recycling his movies.

    • @xgal2
      @xgal2 Год назад +2

      This movie was boring, trashy, predictable, poorly written just God awful

  • @DeeDaKang1
    @DeeDaKang1 Год назад +3

    This movie was worst than tubi......Who fantasizes about being covered in paint????

  • @nadine4634
    @nadine4634 Год назад +5

    I don't think kelly should make any TP movies. TP is a one dimensional producer and most of his movies sucks and plays into black stereotypes of black women and black men.

    • @xgal2
      @xgal2 Год назад

      Yes Kelly get any from that man

  • @darman210
    @darman210 Год назад +1

    A movie being “Tubi-material” has never been a compliment. Ya’ll are too nice. Lol

  • @deestevens2883
    @deestevens2883 Год назад +5

    It was decently good...Kelly did a good job in this film. Yes it was a twist towards the end so I can say it was entertaining. It gave me something to watch yesterday 😅

    • @HeitCheri
      @HeitCheri  Год назад +1

      I can see how this is the sort of film that is a decent way to pass time.

    • @anthonytaylor7928
      @anthonytaylor7928 Год назад +2

      Aw stop shes a terrible actress

  • @jkseraphim4
    @jkseraphim4 Год назад +2

    Maybe the mother is like this because she sees them as son-husbands as people call single mothers now. They never mentioned the mother's husband.

    • @HeitCheri
      @HeitCheri  Год назад

      That could be possible, but it needs to be conveyed somehow through the film.

  • @alfredasmith8278
    @alfredasmith8278 Год назад

    She was in recent movies actually sequel on Hallmark. “Merry Liddel Christmas” She was Awesome

  • @walk_er
    @walk_er Год назад +2

    Funny enough my guilty pleasure is movies like acrimony because it’s so out of control that it’s enjoyable. Fall from grace and temptation are other movies that’s so chaotic but for some reason I watch it. 😂

    • @HeitCheri
      @HeitCheri  Год назад +1

      Yes! We all have our guilty pleasure type of entertainment. I can't stay away from those hood novels.

  • @jihanpouncy700
    @jihanpouncy700 Год назад +2

    I enjoyed this review. I'm glad I discovered your channel 💯

  • @MsChari40
    @MsChari40 Год назад +2

    Look, I was so scared in the beginning, I started to turn the movie off, but I really wanted to see what happened at the end. I thought Kelly was going to die! I was satisfied with the ultra cheesy outcome😅😂🤣

  • @niyahubbard5377
    @niyahubbard5377 Год назад +1

    I love yalls videos I don’t care what kind it is 😭😭 I want y’all to do more of these streaming movies

    • @HeitCheri
      @HeitCheri  Год назад +1


    • @niyahubbard5377
      @niyahubbard5377 Год назад

      @@HeitCheri I literally only watched leave the world behind bc y’all did a video on it😭 I be like yeaaaa if Cheri ain’t talking about it it must not be good 💀

  • @tonettepowell7035
    @tonettepowell7035 Год назад +8

    Why do you guys not want to give him his props and Kelly hers that they all did an amazing job the movie was very good and the cast was awesome and the sound track was on point give the man his props congratulations to tylerperry on a great new movie 🎉

    • @HeitCheri
      @HeitCheri  Год назад +1

      I think whether you like the film depends on the viewer. That's why we said if you love certain other Tyler Perry movies (like Acrimony and A Fall From Grace), you'll love this one. My favorite Tyler Perry films are The Family That Preys and Why Did I Get Married. I like some of his movies, so it's not a matter of giving him his props or not. In this review, we discussed both the things we like and what we didn't like, along with the reasons why.
      Nevertheless, we completely acknowledge that Tyler Perry knows his core audience and how to please them. He is very good at that.

    • @anthonytaylor7928
      @anthonytaylor7928 Год назад

      Can't folks be. Objective?

    • @edcistudent1
      @edcistudent1 Год назад

      I agree with the music

    • @xgal2
      @xgal2 Год назад +1

      This movie was boring, predictable and poorly written tp thinks we don't have critical thinking skills

  • @JusticeLong3317
    @JusticeLong3317 Год назад +1

    I would like you guys to continue these types of reviews. As I think it may be cool for you guys to do an initial review and then go on to do a film criticism video like you did For Friday, Baby Boy, Players club etc. Your opinions on the film may change the more you talk about it and I’d love to see that.

  • @RP.123
    @RP.123 Год назад +1

    Kelly's been in quite a few films. The Beyonce part was uneccessary. Kelly is a household name and has her own success outside of Destiny's Child. Otherwise great review.

  • @barrylewis7683
    @barrylewis7683 Год назад +5

    I’ll watch it again because I fell asleep. But what I did see it was ok

  • @TheOmegaknightmare
    @TheOmegaknightmare Год назад

    His RIZZ is over 9000!

  • @michaelalexispalmer3375
    @michaelalexispalmer3375 Год назад +1

    Thank you so much guys for such a wonderful review. You caught so many ridiculous moments that just got me angry, grossed out, and disgusted. There were at least 15 more moments that I could have given. This movie was atrocious and if it wasn't for Kelly Rowland working so damn hard I wouldn't have even continued past the first hour. Im sorry Tyler needs to be stopped. The film reflects a disregard for the audience's intelligence and an exploitation of their loyalty. It's regrettable that despite substantial resources, Tyler, continues to deliver subpar content. This calls for a reevaluation of priorities and a commitment to delivering meaningful and engaging cinema.

  • @Gigglingsiren
    @Gigglingsiren Год назад

    Kelly is in a Netflix Halloween movie. She plays the mother in the family. It's not a big role but I liked her in it.

  • @benaiahadesoji19
    @benaiahadesoji19 Год назад

    Definitely belongs on Tubi! I've been saying it's giving Tubi with a big budget!! lol 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽

  • @queenscarlettpimpsunkiss..5537
    @queenscarlettpimpsunkiss..5537 Год назад +1

    Artistry! 🙌🏿🧚🏿‍♀️🙌🏿

  • @millz8367
    @millz8367 Год назад +3

    I only heard about this movie after the “Today Show” incident. After how she was responding to the news reporter, I just said no to the movie. No need to be rude, when people are trying to understand the full story.

    • @ninjanibba4259
      @ninjanibba4259 Год назад

      Wasn’t the reporter comparing her to Beyoncé and kept bringing her up? Kelly getting annoyed is understandable

    • @millz8367
      @millz8367 Год назад

      @@ninjanibba4259 not the interview I’m referring too. This interview was done by a guy.

  • @joshuamcdowell9745
    @joshuamcdowell9745 Год назад +2

    Kelly has done a few films and TV roles. Kelly is one of the best actresses out of the members of Destiny's Child. LeToya Luckett is right behind her. Kelly was also a producer on this film. Trevante Rhodes was in Moonlight, The Predator, Bird Box and The United States Vs. Billie Holiday.
    Davale Ellis from Tyler Perry's show Sistas said that Tyler only have his actors to do one take which is dumb to me. To get a good performance out of an actor, the actor will need to do multiple takes.

    • @HeitCheri
      @HeitCheri  Год назад +2

      I think I heard the one-take thing in an interview somewhere. This doesn't surprise me because Tyler specializes in assembly line entertainment. One take is good enough and he doesn't want to spend extra time making things perfect.

  • @niyahubbard5377
    @niyahubbard5377 Год назад +1

    I would actually love to see y’all do one of Vivica A Fox’s lifetime movies they’re SO bad and all the same but maybe y’all could explain why they think the formula works 😭 there’s like 50 of the movies lol

  • @NolaFlower
    @NolaFlower Год назад

    Artistry. This was a very fair review of this film

  • @staceyoddity4580
    @staceyoddity4580 Год назад +3

    I love these reaction videos! Very well done!! I agree that this movie fits a template that TP keeps repeating. It’s all cringy to me, lol. The only two movies of his I rewatch are The Family that Preys and Why Did I Get Married? Those stories have a little bit more depth 🙄😂 Mea Culpa was right there with Temptation 🤷🏽‍♀️

  • @tiarashawn-tai
    @tiarashawn-tai Год назад

    Artistry! First time listener and I definitely enjoyed.

  • @staceyfranklin-z1h
    @staceyfranklin-z1h Год назад +2

    ❤ Your channel new sub, much continued support and success to you both. Love from Ohio, blessings up! 👍🏽💯🙏🏼.

    • @HeitCheri
      @HeitCheri  Год назад +1

      Welcome aboard! ❤️❤️❤️

  • @keishagbwrites
    @keishagbwrites Год назад

    If there was better backstory, NO family members, and good detective work, this could have turned out to be a black Basic Instinct.

  • @limejello1884
    @limejello1884 Год назад

    💎💎💎 Artistry💎💎💎

  • @BOO4EVA
    @BOO4EVA Год назад

    What you said about the lighting is so true omg......why the hell are they making scenes jet black to where you visible can not see whats happening smh

  • @Jwa-fo6nb
    @Jwa-fo6nb Год назад +1

    The brother in law seemed to be the only good looking man in the movie 😂😂😂

  • @TheoTheCreole
    @TheoTheCreole Год назад +1

    This should probably say “spoiler alert”. Great critique. I agree wholeheartedly.

    • @HeitCheri
      @HeitCheri  Год назад +2

      The first thing we said was spoiler alert after the intro. Sorry if that was missed and glad you enjoyed the video. 😊

    • @TheoTheCreole
      @TheoTheCreole Год назад +1

      Oh my biggity bad I definitely missed it. Not a big deal to me since I’ve seen the movie already just was giving feedback. I heard it tho. Thanks.☺️🙏🏾✨

    • @HeitCheri
      @HeitCheri  Год назад


  • @brerob
    @brerob Год назад +2

    Artistry! 😊 Man, I was laughing at parts in this film!!! Yall were just as confused as me lol but Kelly did pretty okay acting as Cheri states, but the writing is just horrible!

  • @prettyhandsomegang5227
    @prettyhandsomegang5227 Год назад +3

    But if Beyonce did interviews they would ask about her about the other ladies especially if dropped music are movie etc its just the timing

  • @angelabrown7893
    @angelabrown7893 Год назад +1

    Yes it does ❤

  • @aaliyahclark823
    @aaliyahclark823 Год назад

    I knew after the dinner scene for the mom's birthday this movie was gonna piss me off lol.

  • @gamingwhileitshot8040
    @gamingwhileitshot8040 Год назад

    Kelly Rowlands was also in Freddy vs Jason. He was in Moonlight and also in the Predators movie.

  • @LifeOfTheAngels
    @LifeOfTheAngels Год назад +2

    Tyler Perry’s obsession with making every main character and secondary character a defense attorney or a lawyer is unserious bc he clearly has no clue how ppl in the profession actually operate their profession and just does whatever’s convenient for the plot , and it’s only used as a means to add immediate interest to uninteresting characters and it just comes off as lazy and unoriginal it’s just creative bankruptcy atp, he DESPERATELY needs to hire other ppl bc atp he’s just become derivative of himself, I’m kinda surprised he made the lightskin characters evil cus Tyler typically has the evil dark skin husband and lightskin savior guy as a trope, so I’ll (begrudgingly) commend him for that, which really isn’t saying much lol

  • @AkomaMikeysBurner
    @AkomaMikeysBurner Год назад +2

    Love y’all ❤️

  • @lakeciahodges
    @lakeciahodges Год назад +3

    It was not bad pretty good for a Tyler Perry movie

    • @xgal2
      @xgal2 Год назад +1

      It was very bad

    • @susanboyd1422
      @susanboyd1422 Год назад

      It was a montage of ALL his drama films. 😂

  • @living_shenanigans_live8736
    @living_shenanigans_live8736 Год назад

    I just watched this because I got tired of everyone talking about it on Facebook and the first thing when the credits started rolling was I can’t wait for yall two to talk about it and I’m all late yall den already spoke about lmao 😂

    • @HeitCheri
      @HeitCheri  Год назад

      😂😆I'm glad we did this one early!

    • @living_shenanigans_live8736
      @living_shenanigans_live8736 Год назад +1

      @@HeitCheri yea and to touch on your point “ make it believable” I’m happy you touched on that because 911 doesn’t call you back and you know it’s them emergency services can call you back but it’s a private number you don’t see it’s them calling so that’s another plot hole lol

  • @LogicalEmotions
    @LogicalEmotions Год назад

    So many things i didnt get, like y did she trust the brother enough to call, leave and arrive at the mom house also, where they get "so much blood it seeped into the bottom neighbors home" from, i understand they may have fudged the evidence but where the blood come from lol

  • @ediamonds366
    @ediamonds366 7 месяцев назад

    she was running from Freddy and got in the car with Jason

  • @JelissaSmith30
    @JelissaSmith30 Год назад

    17:00 where in Chicago are you from? I’m from Humboldt Park!

  • @ammastarr6277
    @ammastarr6277 Год назад +3

    It bother me too when she slept with him and he didn't even wash that broad off him... Didn't even give it time. 🤦🏾‍♀️
    And the ending bro... That's gonna be a no for me dog! 😂💯

    • @HeitCheri
      @HeitCheri  Год назад +2

      That was just nasty running behind that woman like that. 😂😂😂

    • @nadine4634
      @nadine4634 Год назад

      I couldn't get the part out of my head. I am OCD, I felt dirty after watching that part. So both women's PH...are off.

    • @goosegrey1819
      @goosegrey1819 Год назад

      At least this is acting but this stuff actually happen in real life I'm sure. 🤮

  • @benaiahadesoji19
    @benaiahadesoji19 Год назад

    Feels like Tyler Perry films are a testament of the actor's ability to shine (or not shine) despite poor writing and directing. Poorly written characters, plot holes, etc plague all of his films. It LOOKED very expensive, and there were some beautiful shots. But even some of the better actors seemed like they were struggling with the bad writing. So much seemed implausible and rushed, there was no realistic legal jargon or even courtroom action. And there were sooooo many plot holes.

  • @CatriniaSmith-li7de
    @CatriniaSmith-li7de Год назад

    Kelly Rollin was in 3 Lifetime movies G rating very wholesome movies with Debbie Morgan. I really liked them.😍

  • @Sethmotley
    @Sethmotley Год назад +5

    So Mea just straight tongue kissed him right behind another woman he was bangN huh😳

  • @AT-zl6dk
    @AT-zl6dk Год назад

    This movie reminds me of Addicted so much

  • @lynnwhitehead6439
    @lynnwhitehead6439 Год назад

    No not Tubi it belongs on Netflix I enjoyed the movie it wasn't bad the writing was redundant but Kelly shined more recognition gorgous she delivered I truly hope she gets more strong lead roles
    as for the Beyonce questions to Kelly that truly need to stop it's an insult in 2024, she should put that in her clause and if broken walk TF out as she should⚜️🥰

  • @kathylofton7643
    @kathylofton7643 Год назад

    He was in The Predator, with his fine self